City of GreensboroMeeting Agenda City CouncilTuesday, August 15, 2023 at 5:30 P.m. - 9:30 P.m.Katie Dorsett Council Chamber300 West Washington Street, Greensboro, NC 27401The City Council Chamber is open to the public; however, residents are encouraged to continue to participate in the meeting virtually. To submit a comment or to request to speak to agenda items, please complete the City Council Virtual Comments Form ( Please confirm if you wish to appear via zoom or in-person. Residents requesting to participate via zoom must submit the request by 5:00 P.M. the day prior to the Council meeting and will receive an email invitation to register with instructions on how to participate, including a unique password that cannot be used by other individuals. Zoom participants will be removed from the call following the conclusion of their item and are invited to observe the remainder of the meeting on the Greensboro Television Network (GTN). Residents may also register in-person on the night of the meeting using an on-site Qminder kiosk. On-Site speaker requests must be entered by 6 p.m. A Qcode is available for scanning onto personal cell phone devices should residents prefer. All comments received are subject to the public records law and will be posted on the City of Greensboro website. The first regular meeting of the month is for Council consideration of public forum comments, ceremonial/presentational, consent, public hearing, and business items as needed. The second regular meeting of the month is for Council consideration of consent, public hearing, and business items. The zoning application hearing process allows proponents and opponents a total of fifteen (15) minutes notwithstanding the number of persons desiring to be heard. Proponents shall be heard first followed by comments from opponents. Each side may speak a total of five (5) minutes rebuttal. Greensboro City Council meetings are available via, a live stream will be on the city's YouTube page, at, the Greensboro Television Network (GTN) live on Spectrum channel 13 with a digital cable box, Lumos channel 31, AT&T U-verse channel 99. GTN is also available on the Roku streaming platform by going to “add channels” and searching for Greensboro Television Network. Lastly, GTN can be streamed live on the City’s website. Any individual with a disability who needs additional information or assistance, please contact Gary Canapinno, ADA Coordinator, 336-373-2723 or [email protected]. The next regular meeting of City Council will be September 5, 2023.A.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: B.MOMENT OF SILENCE Public Comments: C.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Comments: D.COUNCIL PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCT OF THE MEETING Public Comments: E.CEREMONIAL AND/OR PRESENTATION ITEMS Public Comments: E.12023-561 City Manager Report Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-561 City Manager Report - 2023-561.pdfF.PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Public Comment Period is held at the first meeting of the month.G.CONSENT AGENDA (One Vote) Public Comments: G.12023-533 Resolution Authorize Change Order #3 in the Amount of $98,723.21 with Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. for Additional Construction Inspection Services for Market Street and Guilford College Road Intersection Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-533 Resolution Authorizing Change Order 3 in the Amount of $98,723.21 for Contract 2017-022.pdf2.Baker SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo for CO3 2017-0220 (U_5326).pdf4.U-5326_-_Concurrence_with_Estimate_Request_for_PEF_Contract_Additional_Costs.pdf5.2023-533 RES Michael Baker.pdfG.22023-534 Resolution Authorizing Change Order #2 in the Amount of $98,723.21 for Contract 2017-023 (EL-5101DM) with Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. for Additional Construction Inspection Services needed for the Holts Chapel Road and Lowdermilk Street Impro Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-534 Resolution Authorizing Change Order 2 in the Amount of $98,723.21 for Contract 2017-023.pdf2.Baker SoS(1).pdf3.MWBE Memo for CO2 2017-0230 (EL-5101 DM).pdf4.EL-5101DM_-_Concurrence_with_Estimate_Request_for_PEF_Contract_Additional_Costs.pdf5.2023-534 RES Michael Baker.pdfG.32023-550 Resolution Authorizing Municipal Agreement with NC Department of Transportation for Sidewalk Maintenance: U-4015A Gallimore Dairy Rd (SR1556) Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-550 Res Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Sidewalk Maintenance U-4015A.pdf2.2023-550 RES Authorizing Agmt with NCDOT for Sidewalk Maintenance U-4015A.pdfG.42023-551 Resolution Authorizing Change Order #6 in the Amount of $57,045.18 for Contract 2009-056 (EL-5101DJ) for the Murrow Boulevard Roadway Improvements and Downtown Greenway Phase 2 Project with Yates Construction Company, Inc. Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-551 Resolution Authorizing Change Order in the Amount of $57,045.18 for Contract 2009-056 to Yates.pdf2.Yates_ SoS.pdf3.MWBE MEMO-Murrow Blvd Rdwy Imp DG Phase 2 - CO6 Revised (1).pdf4.2023-551 Yates Res.pdfG.52023 – 553 Ordinance in the Amount of $57,045 for the Downtown Greenway for Insurance Claim to Pay for Repairs Needed Due to Vehicular Accident Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-553 Ordinance in the Amount of $57,045 for the Downtown Greenway - Insurance Claim -Pay for Repairs.pdf2.2023-553 Budget Ordinance - Downtown Greenway.pdfG.62023-556 Resolution Authorizing NC Department of Transportation Municipal Agreement in the Amount of $343,006 for Project EB-6033AI Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Grant Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-556 Resolution Authorizing Agreement in the Amt of $343,006 for EB-6033AI.pdf2.2023-556 RES Authorizing EB-6033AI.pdfG.72023-557 Ordinance in the Amount of $343,006 Establishing the Budget for NC Department of Transportation Municipal Agreement for Project EB-6033AI Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Grant Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-557 Ord in the Amt of $343,006 Est the Budget for EB-6033AI.pdf2.2023-557 ORD Authorizing EB-6033AI.pdfG.82023 - 576 Resolution to Approve Contract Extension in the Amount of $60,000 with UZURV Holdings, Inc. Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-576 Res Authorizing Contract Extension of $60,000 with UZURV Holdings Inc.pdf2.Sec of State UZURV.pdf3.RES-2023-576 CONTRACT AMENDMENT UZURV.pdfG.92023 – 408 Resolution Adopting the City of Greensboro Twin Lakes Park Master Plan Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-408 Resolution Adopting the City of Greensboro Twin Lakes Park Master Plan .pdf2.2023-408 Resolution Twin Lakes Master Plan.pdfG.102023 -573 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Dedication of One Drainageway and Open Draingeway, Floodplain and Open Space Parcel from AF-Reddy Fork, LLC Attachments | Public Comments1.Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Dedication of One Drainageway from Reddy Fork, LLC - 2023-573.pdf2.2023-573 4550 Reedy Fork Pkwy DWOSP Resolution.pdfG.112023-560 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of City Surplus Property Located at 4309 Brinton Drive to 3200 HPC, LLC in the Amount of $94,500.00 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-560 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Property Located at 4309 Brinton Drive.pdf2.Sitemap 1727 (4309 Brinton Rd).pdf3.Vicinity 1727 (4309 Brinton Dr).pdf4.Sec of State 3200 HPC, LLC.pdf5.2023-560 Resolution 4309 Brinton Dr.pdfG.122023 – 562 Ordinance Amending State, Federal and Other Grants Fund Budget for July 2023 Proceeds from Opioid Litigation- $81,826.46 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-562 Ordinance- July 2023 Proceeds from Opioid Litigation- $81,826.46.pdf2.2023- 562 Ordinance- Opioid Settlement 8.15.23.pdfG.132023 - 581 Ordinance in the Amount of $263,096 Amending State, Federal and Other Grants Fund Budget for the Appropriation of the FY 23 Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Program (LEV Program) Attachments | Public Comments1.2023- 581 Ordinance- FY 23 Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Program- $263,096.pdf2.2023- 581 Ordinance- IACP Advocate Grant.pdfG.142023–582 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Redevelopment Property at 701 Dorgan Avenue and 728 Gillespie Street to Foundation Homebuilders, LLC Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-582 Resolution authorizing the sale of Redevelopment Commission Property at 701 Dorgan and 728 Gillespie.pdf2.Resolution Authorizing Sale.pdfG.152023 – 583 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Redevelopment Commission Property at 222, 224, and 226 South English Street to Johnson Construction Management, Inc. Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-583 Resolution authorizing the sale of property at 222, 224, and 226 South English Street - 2023-583.pdf2.Resolution Authorizing English Street Sale.pdfG.162023-595 Resolution Calling a Public Hearing for September 19, 2023 on the Annexation of Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Property Located at 5909-5915 West Gate City Boulevard, 5800 and 5900 Scotland Road and 5810 Marion Elsie Drive – 10.1 Ac Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-595 Resolution to Call Public Hearing for Annexation of Properties on W Gate City Blvd and Scotland Rd.pdf2.Annexation petition W Gate City Blvd and Scotland Rd.pdf3.PLP23-10_WGateCity-ScotlandMap.pdf4.PLP23-10_WGateCIty-ScotlandAerial.pdf5.2023-595 RES W Gate City Blvd and Scotland Rd Annexation.pdfG.172023 - 599 Ordinance in an Amount of $350,000 to Amend the FY23-24 Solid Waste Capital Improvement Fund Budget for Transfer Station Improvements Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-599 Ordinance to Amend Solid Waste Capital Improvement Fund Budget.pdf2.ENV COMP LETTERS OF VIOLATION.pdf3.Transfer Station Letter_S0107_Initial Inspection_LTR.pdf4.CC 8.15.23 552 to 554 Ordinance.pdfG.182023 – 501 Resolution to Approve a Change Order for Professional Services with Stantec Consulting Services Inc., in the Amount of $150,000 Stormwater Master Plan- North Buffalo Creek Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-501 Resolution Approving CO1 for 2021-5250 with Stantec for $150,000 for NB Watershed Plan.pdf2.North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results.pdf3.MWBE MEMO - NBuffalo Master Plan - CO1.pdf4.Resolution NBC Master Plan Change Order.pdfG.192023 – 542 Budget Adjustments Requiring Council Approval 7/22/23 through 8/7/23 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-542 Budget Adjustment Requiring Council Approval July 22, 2023 to August 7, 2023.pdf2.07-25-2023 to 08-07-2023 Budget Adjustments for Council Approval.pdfG.202023 - 540 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer 7/22/23 through 8/7/23 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-540 Budget Adjustment Approved by Budget Officer July 22, 2023 to August 7, 2023.pdf2.07-25-2023 to 08-07-2023 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer.pdfG.212023 - 575 Motion to Approve Work Session Minutes for the June 15, 2023 Meeting Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-575 Motion to Approve 6.15.23 Work Session Minutes - 2023-575.pdf2.DRAFT WS Mins 6.15.23.pdfG.222023 – 552 Motion to Approve Minutes for the June 20, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-552 Motion to Approve DRAFT Meeting Minutes of the 6.20.23 City Council Meeting - 2023-552.pdfG.232023 – 574 Motion to Approve City Council Minutes for the June 29, 2023 Work Session Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-574 Motion to Approve 6.29.23 Work Session Minutes - 2023-574.pdf2.DRAFT WS Mins 6.29.23.pdfG.242023 – 555 Motion to Approve Minutes for the July 11, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-555 Motion to Approve the July 11, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes - 2023-555.pdf2.DRAFT 7.11.23 MEETING MINUTES.pdfH.PUBLIC HEARING Public Comments: H.12023-564 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Property located at 5735 Eckerson Road – 12.04 Acres (Shoaib Moosa on behalf of WINITALLNCTX, LLC) Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-564 ordinance for annexation - 5735 Eckerson Road.pdf2.PLP23-14_5735EckersonMap.pdf3.PLP23-14_5735EckersonAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 5735 eckerson rdDOC060523-06052023084534.pdf5.2023- ORD 5735 Eckerson Rd Annexation.pdfH.22023-565 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for 5735 Eckerson Road – Shoaib Moosa on behalf of WINITALLNCTX, LLC Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-565 ordinance for original zoning - 5735 Eckerson Road.pdf2.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 23-30 (5735 Eckerson Rd) for WINITALLNCTX LLC.pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 23-30 (5735 Eckerson Rd).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-30 (5735 Eckerson Rd).pdfH.32023-566 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Properties located at 2220 and 2300 Z4 Huffine Mill Road and portions of 260 Willowlake Road, Willowlake Road Right of Way and I-840 Right of Way – 46.03 Acres Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-566 ordinance for annexation - Properties on Huffine Mill Rd and Willowlake Rd.pdf2.PLP23-15_HuffineMill_WillowlakeMap.pdf3.PLP23-15_HuffineMill_WillowlakeAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petiion 2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 Willow lake Rd.pdf5.2023- ORD 2220 Huffine Mill Rd and WIllowlake Rd properites and r-o-w.pdfH.42023-567 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning and Rezoning for 2220 Huffine Mill Road and a Portion of 260 Willowlake Road – Marc Isaacson for D Stone Builders, Inc. for Rocco Chickillo and Jennifer Chickillo Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-567 ordinance for original zoning and rezoning - 2220 Huffine Mill Road and portion of 260 Willowlake Rd.pdf2.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-FBF.pdf6.staff report for PL(Z) 23-31 (2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 WIllowlake Rd) for D Stone Builders Inc.pdf8.Approved UDP for Huffine Mill and Willowlake Rd.pdf9.zoning statement for PLZ 23-31 (2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 Willowlake Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-31 (2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 Willowlake Rd).pdfH.52023-568 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for a portion of Willowlake Road – City of Greensboro Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-568 ordinance for original zoning - Portion of Willowlake Road Right of Way .pdf2.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 23-32 (portion of WIllowlake Rd r-o-w).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 23-32 (portion of Willowlake Rd r-o-w).pdf8.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-32 (portion of Willowlake Rd r-o-w).pdfH.62023-569 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for 2300-Z4 Huffine Mill Road and Portion of I-840 Right of Way – City of Greensboro Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-569 ordinance for original zoning - 2300-Z4 Huffine Mill Rd and Portion of I-840 Right of Way.pdf2.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 23-33 (2300 Z4 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of I-840 r-o-w).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 23-33 (2300 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of I-840 r-o-w).pdf8.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-18 (2300 Z4 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of I-840 r-o-w).pdfI.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENDA Public Comments: I.12023-584 Resolution to Make Certain Determinations Regarding the Financing of Firefighting Equipment Pursuant to an Installment Financing Agreement and Requesting the Local Government Commission to Approve the Financing Arrangement Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-584 Resolution Making Findings for Financing Firefighting Equip and LGC Approval .pdf2.2023-584 RES Making Findings for Financing of Firefighting Equipment and Request LGC Approval.pdfI.22023-535 Resolution Approving Bid in the Amount of $1,757,087.48 and Authorizing Execution of Contract 2021-011 (TIP# EL-5101 DR) with Smith-Rowe, LLC for the Murrow Boulevard Bridge Repairs Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-535 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2021-011 in the Amount of $1,757,087.48 to Smith-Rowe, LLC.pdf2.Smith-Rowe SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo-Contract 2021-011 Murrow Bld Bridge Repairs.pdf4.2023-535 Smith Rowe RES.pdfI.32023 -563 Ordinance Amending Workforce Investment Act Fund Budget in the Amount of $222,500 for Appropriation of Eastern Triad Workforce Initiative (ETWI) Programming Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-563 Ordinance Amending Workforce Investment Act Fund Budget of $222500 for Appropriation of ETWI Programming.pdf2.Copy of Guilford WDB_ETWI Opportunity_Phase 2 Proposal (Autosaved).pdf3.Budget Version_Agenda-Ordinance Estabilshing ETWI Funds_.pdfI.42023-572 Resolution Approving Contract 2023-0310 in the Amount of $1,632,000 with Musco Sports Lighting, LLC for the New Sports Lighting at Bryan Park Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-572 Resolution Approving Contract 2023-0310 in the Amount of $1632000 for Bryan Park.pdf2.SOS-Musco.pdf3.Approved CMO Waiver for Bryan Park Sports Lighting-2.pdf4.2023-572 Bryan Park Musco Lighting Resolution.pdfI.52023-589 Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source for $3,398,957 with Mechanical Equipment for the T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Treatment Plant Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-589 Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source for $3,398,957 with Mechanical Equipment .pdf2.Approved - CMO Waiver TZO Influent Pump.pdf3.Resolution - TZO Influent Pumps and VFDs Equipment Sole Source Aug 15 2023.pdfI.62023 – 578 Ordinance to Amend the Water Resources Capital Project Revenue Bond Fund Budget Funding for Sole Source Purchase of Influent Pumps for T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Amount of $3,398,957 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-578 Ordinance in the Amount of $3,398,957 for the T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Influent Pump Project.pdf2.TZO Sole Purchase Influent Pumps Ordinance.pdfI.72023 – 598 Resolution to Amend Sales Development Agreement for East Block of the South Elm Redevelopment Area with NC Triad Associates, LLC (Cagan's Development) Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-598 Resolution Approving an Amendment to a Sales Agreement with NC Triad Associates, LLC.pdf2.Map.pdf3.Second Amendment to Sale and Development Agreement.pdf4.North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results(1).pdf5.2023-598 City Council Resolution.pdfI.82023 – 590 Resolution Approving Contract 2020-015A for $44,332,891.29 with Harper CO. Electrical TZO Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-590 Resolution Approving 2020-015A CO 1 for $44,332,891.29 with Harper for Electrical TZO.pdf2.Harper SOS Search.pdf3.MWBE Memo for CO1 2020 -015A Townsend WTP Electrical Improvements Phase II CMAR.pdf4.Resolution CO1 2020-015A_TWTP Major Elect Phase II Aug 2023.pdfI.92023 – 579 Ordinance in the Amount of $44,332,891.29 for the Townsend WTP Phase II Electrical Improvements Project Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-579 Ordinance in the Amount of $44,332,891.29 for the Townsend WTP Phase II Electrical Improvements Project.pdf2.Townsend WTP Major Electrical Construction Ordinance.pdfI.102023 - 587 Resolution Approving Contract 2023-0250 for $3,477,631 with Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. for Townsend Water Treatment Plant Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-587 Resolution Approving 2023-0250 for $3,477,631 with Arcadis for Townsend Electrical .pdf2.North Carolina Secretary of State.pdf3.MWBE Memo-2023-0250 TWP Major Electrical Improv. Phase II .pdf4.Resolution Contract 2023-0250_CA_RPR Engineering Services for TWTP Major Elect Phase II Aug 2023.pdfI.112023-588 Resolution to Approve Bid in the Amount of $848,400 and Authorizing Execution of Contract 2020-031C with Utility Service Co., Inc. for the 2023 Fall Protection System Improvements and Winola Court Water Tank Rehabilitation Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-588 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2020-031C in the Amount of $848,400 with Utility Service Co.pdf2.SoS Utility.pdf3.MWBE Memo for 2020-031C 2023 Fall Protection Revised.pdf4.2023-588 Utility RES.pdfI.122023 - 592 Resolution Approving a $30,000,000 Reimbursement Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation for Utility Construction Services Supporting the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-592 Resolution Approving an Additional $30,000,000 in reimbursement funds with NCDOT for the Megasite.pdf2.MWBE Memo for Water-Sewer Utilities at Megasite CO2 (2).pdf3.NCDOT 3 Reimbursement Agreement Megasite Resolution.pdfI.132023 – 591 Ordinance To Amend The Water Resources Capital Project Revenue Bond Fund Budget To Appropriate Funding For A Reimbursement Agreement For Utility Construction Services At The Greensboro-Randolph Megasite In The Amount Of $30,000,000 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-591 Ordinance in the Amount of $30,0000,000 for Reimbursement Agreement with NCDOT for Megasite.pdf2.ORD 2023-591 Megasite Reimbursement Agreement NCDOT.pdfI.142023 - 604 Ordinance Amending the FY 2023-24 General Fund Budget in the Amount of $4,862,679 to Reappropriate Approved American Rescue Plan Enabled Projects Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-604 Ordinance Amending the General Fund to Reappropriate Funds for ARP Enabled Projects - 2023-604.pdf2.2023-604 ORD ARP Reappropriations.pdfI.152023 – 605 Ordinance To Amend Chapter 25-13 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances For Curbside Collection Service Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-605 Ordinance Amending Chapter 25-13 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances- Curbside Collection Service.pdf2.Ordinance Amending Chapter 25-13 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances.pdfI.162023 – 549 Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 in Reference to the Boards and Commissions Quorums (This item was postponed from the July 18, 2023 Meeting of Council) Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-549 Ordinance Amending Article V., Division 1, Chapter 2 Code of Ordinance Boards Commissions .pdf2.Quorum Ordinance Edited.pdfI.172023 – 585 Boards and Commissions List for August 15, 2023 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-585 Boards and Commissions Reports - 2023-585.pdf2.1Current data bank.pdf3.2DashbrdRosterUpdate.pdf4.3Current a Vacancy.pdfJ.MATTERS TO BE DISCUSSED BY THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL (If time permits) Public Comments: K.MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE CITY MANAGER (If time permits) Public Comments: L.MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY (If time permits) Public Comments: M.ADDENDUM ITEMS Public Comments: N.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: O.ATTACHMENTS FOR COUNCIL'S INFORMATION: (INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY) Public Comments: O.12023-603 MWBE Utilization Report - 2023-603 - 2023-603 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-603 MWBE Utilization Report - 2023-603.pdf2.MWBE Utilization Summary 8-15-23 .pdfNo Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.2023-501 Resolution Approving CO1 for 2021-5250 with Stantec for $150,000 for NB Watershed Plan.pdf2.North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results.pdf3.MWBE MEMO - NBuffalo Master Plan - CO1.pdf4.Resolution NBC Master Plan Change Order.pdf1.2023-552 Motion to Approve DRAFT Meeting Minutes of the 6.20.23 City Council Meeting - 2023-552.pdf1.2023-550 Res Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Sidewalk Maintenance U-4015A.pdf2.2023-550 RES Authorizing Agmt with NCDOT for Sidewalk Maintenance U-4015A.pdf1.2023-535 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2021-011 in the Amount of $1,757,087.48 to Smith-Rowe, LLC.pdf2.Smith-Rowe SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo-Contract 2021-011 Murrow Bld Bridge Repairs.pdf4.2023-535 Smith Rowe RES.pdf1.2023-575 Motion to Approve 6.15.23 Work Session Minutes - 2023-575.pdf2.DRAFT WS Mins 6.15.23.pdf1.2023-574 Motion to Approve 6.29.23 Work Session Minutes - 2023-574.pdf2.DRAFT WS Mins 6.29.23.pdf1.2023-576 Res Authorizing Contract Extension of $60,000 with UZURV Holdings Inc.pdf2.Sec of State UZURV.pdf3.RES-2023-576 CONTRACT AMENDMENT UZURV.pdf1.2023-562 Ordinance- July 2023 Proceeds from Opioid Litigation- $81,826.46.pdf2.2023- 562 Ordinance- Opioid Settlement 8.15.23.pdf1.2023-568 ordinance for original zoning - Portion of Willowlake Road Right of Way .pdf2.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-32-PortionofWillowlakeRdROW-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 23-32 (portion of WIllowlake Rd r-o-w).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 23-32 (portion of Willowlake Rd r-o-w).pdf8.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-32 (portion of Willowlake Rd r-o-w).pdf1.2023-555 Motion to Approve the July 11, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes - 2023-555.pdf2.DRAFT 7.11.23 MEETING MINUTES.pdf1.2023-560 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Property Located at 4309 Brinton Drive.pdf2.Sitemap 1727 (4309 Brinton Rd).pdf3.Vicinity 1727 (4309 Brinton Dr).pdf4.Sec of State 3200 HPC, LLC.pdf5.2023-560 Resolution 4309 Brinton Dr.pdf1.2023-564 ordinance for annexation - 5735 Eckerson Road.pdf2.PLP23-14_5735EckersonMap.pdf3.PLP23-14_5735EckersonAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 5735 eckerson rdDOC060523-06052023084534.pdf5.2023- ORD 5735 Eckerson Rd Annexation.pdf1.2023-553 Ordinance in the Amount of $57,045 for the Downtown Greenway - Insurance Claim -Pay for Repairs.pdf2.2023-553 Budget Ordinance - Downtown Greenway.pdf1.2023-585 Boards and Commissions Reports - 2023-585.pdf2.1Current data bank.pdf3.2DashbrdRosterUpdate.pdf4.3Current a Vacancy.pdf1.2023- 581 Ordinance- FY 23 Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Program- $263,096.pdf2.2023- 581 Ordinance- IACP Advocate Grant.pdf1.2023-582 Resolution authorizing the sale of Redevelopment Commission Property at 701 Dorgan and 728 Gillespie.pdf2.Resolution Authorizing Sale.pdf1.2023-583 Resolution authorizing the sale of property at 222, 224, and 226 South English Street - 2023-583.pdf2.Resolution Authorizing English Street Sale.pdf1.2023-565 ordinance for original zoning - 5735 Eckerson Road.pdf2.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-30-5735EckersonRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 23-30 (5735 Eckerson Rd) for WINITALLNCTX LLC.pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 23-30 (5735 Eckerson Rd).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-30 (5735 Eckerson Rd).pdf1.2023-567 ordinance for original zoning and rezoning - 2220 Huffine Mill Road and portion of 260 Willowlake Rd.pdf2.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-31-HuffineMillRdandWillowlakeRd-FBF.pdf6.staff report for PL(Z) 23-31 (2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 WIllowlake Rd) for D Stone Builders Inc.pdf8.Approved UDP for Huffine Mill and Willowlake Rd.pdf9.zoning statement for PLZ 23-31 (2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 Willowlake Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-31 (2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 Willowlake Rd).pdf1.2023-569 ordinance for original zoning - 2300-Z4 Huffine Mill Rd and Portion of I-840 Right of Way.pdf2.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)23-33-PortionofI-840ROWand2300-Z4HuffineMillRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 23-33 (2300 Z4 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of I-840 r-o-w).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 23-33 (2300 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of I-840 r-o-w).pdf8.ordinance for PL(Z) 23-18 (2300 Z4 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of I-840 r-o-w).pdf1.2023-566 ordinance for annexation - Properties on Huffine Mill Rd and Willowlake Rd.pdf2.PLP23-15_HuffineMill_WillowlakeMap.pdf3.PLP23-15_HuffineMill_WillowlakeAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petiion 2220 Huffine Mill Rd and portion of 260 Willow lake Rd.pdf5.2023- ORD 2220 Huffine Mill Rd and WIllowlake Rd properites and r-o-w.pdf1.Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Dedication of One Drainageway from Reddy Fork, LLC - 2023-573.pdf2.2023-573 4550 Reedy Fork Pkwy DWOSP Resolution.pdf1.2023-561 City Manager Report - 2023-561.pdf1.2023-595 Resolution to Call Public Hearing for Annexation of Properties on W Gate City Blvd and Scotland Rd.pdf2.Annexation petition W Gate City Blvd and Scotland Rd.pdf3.PLP23-10_WGateCity-ScotlandMap.pdf4.PLP23-10_WGateCIty-ScotlandAerial.pdf5.2023-595 RES W Gate City Blvd and Scotland Rd Annexation.pdf1.2023-533 Resolution Authorizing Change Order 3 in the Amount of $98,723.21 for Contract 2017-022.pdf2.Baker SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo for CO3 2017-0220 (U_5326).pdf4.U-5326_-_Concurrence_with_Estimate_Request_for_PEF_Contract_Additional_Costs.pdf5.2023-533 RES Michael Baker.pdf1.2023-534 Resolution Authorizing Change Order 2 in the Amount of $98,723.21 for Contract 2017-023.pdf2.Baker SoS(1).pdf3.MWBE Memo for CO2 2017-0230 (EL-5101 DM).pdf4.EL-5101DM_-_Concurrence_with_Estimate_Request_for_PEF_Contract_Additional_Costs.pdf5.2023-534 RES Michael Baker.pdf1.2023-563 Ordinance Amending Workforce Investment Act Fund Budget of $222500 for Appropriation of ETWI Programming.pdf2.Copy of Guilford WDB_ETWI Opportunity_Phase 2 Proposal (Autosaved).pdf3.Budget Version_Agenda-Ordinance Estabilshing ETWI Funds_.pdf1.2023-587 Resolution Approving 2023-0250 for $3,477,631 with Arcadis for Townsend Electrical .pdf2.North Carolina Secretary of State.pdf3.MWBE Memo-2023-0250 TWP Major Electrical Improv. Phase II .pdf4.Resolution Contract 2023-0250_CA_RPR Engineering Services for TWTP Major Elect Phase II Aug 2023.pdf1.2023-589 Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source for $3,398,957 with Mechanical Equipment .pdf2.Approved - CMO Waiver TZO Influent Pump.pdf3.Resolution - TZO Influent Pumps and VFDs Equipment Sole Source Aug 15 2023.pdf1.2023-590 Resolution Approving 2020-015A CO 1 for $44,332,891.29 with Harper for Electrical TZO.pdf2.Harper SOS Search.pdf3.MWBE Memo for CO1 2020 -015A Townsend WTP Electrical Improvements Phase II CMAR.pdf4.Resolution CO1 2020-015A_TWTP Major Elect Phase II Aug 2023.pdf1.2023-579 Ordinance in the Amount of $44,332,891.29 for the Townsend WTP Phase II Electrical Improvements Project.pdf2.Townsend WTP Major Electrical Construction Ordinance.pdf1.2023-584 Resolution Making Findings for Financing Firefighting Equip and LGC Approval .pdf2.2023-584 RES Making Findings for Financing of Firefighting Equipment and Request LGC Approval.pdf1.2023-588 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2020-031C in the Amount of $848,400 with Utility Service Co.pdf2.SoS Utility.pdf3.MWBE Memo for 2020-031C 2023 Fall Protection Revised.pdf4.2023-588 Utility RES.pdf1.2023-408 Resolution Adopting the City of Greensboro Twin Lakes Park Master Plan .pdf2.2023-408 Resolution Twin Lakes Master Plan.pdf1.2023-578 Ordinance in the Amount of $3,398,957 for the T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Influent Pump Project.pdf2.TZO Sole Purchase Influent Pumps Ordinance.pdf1.2023-591 Ordinance in the Amount of $30,0000,000 for Reimbursement Agreement with NCDOT for Megasite.pdf2.ORD 2023-591 Megasite Reimbursement Agreement NCDOT.pdf1.2023-599 Ordinance to Amend Solid Waste Capital Improvement Fund Budget.pdf2.ENV COMP LETTERS OF VIOLATION.pdf3.Transfer Station Letter_S0107_Initial Inspection_LTR.pdf4.CC 8.15.23 552 to 554 Ordinance.pdf1.2023-557 Ord in the Amt of $343,006 Est the Budget for EB-6033AI.pdf2.2023-557 ORD Authorizing EB-6033AI.pdf1.2023-551 Resolution Authorizing Change Order in the Amount of $57,045.18 for Contract 2009-056 to Yates.pdf2.Yates_ SoS.pdf3.MWBE MEMO-Murrow Blvd Rdwy Imp DG Phase 2 - CO6 Revised (1).pdf4.2023-551 Yates Res.pdf1.2023-598 Resolution Approving an Amendment to a Sales Agreement with NC Triad Associates, LLC.pdf2.Map.pdf3.Second Amendment to Sale and Development Agreement.pdf4.North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results(1).pdf5.2023-598 City Council Resolution.pdf1.2023-592 Resolution Approving an Additional $30,000,000 in reimbursement funds with NCDOT for the Megasite.pdf2.MWBE Memo for Water-Sewer Utilities at Megasite CO2 (2).pdf3.NCDOT 3 Reimbursement Agreement Megasite Resolution.pdf1.2023-542 Budget Adjustment Requiring Council Approval July 22, 2023 to August 7, 2023.pdf2.07-25-2023 to 08-07-2023 Budget Adjustments for Council Approval.pdf1.2023-540 Budget Adjustment Approved by Budget Officer July 22, 2023 to August 7, 2023.pdf2.07-25-2023 to 08-07-2023 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer.pdf1.2023-556 Resolution Authorizing Agreement in the Amt of $343,006 for EB-6033AI.pdf2.2023-556 RES Authorizing EB-6033AI.pdf1.2023-604 Ordinance Amending the General Fund to Reappropriate Funds for ARP Enabled Projects - 2023-604.pdf2.2023-604 ORD ARP Reappropriations.pdf1.2023-605 Ordinance Amending Chapter 25-13 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances- Curbside Collection Service.pdf2.Ordinance Amending Chapter 25-13 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances.pdf1.2023-572 Resolution Approving Contract 2023-0310 in the Amount of $1632000 for Bryan Park.pdf2.SOS-Musco.pdf3.Approved CMO Waiver for Bryan Park Sports Lighting-2.pdf4.2023-572 Bryan Park Musco Lighting Resolution.pdf1.2023-549 Ordinance Amending Article V., Division 1, Chapter 2 Code of Ordinance Boards Commissions .pdf2.Quorum Ordinance Edited.pdf1.2023-603 MWBE Utilization Report - 2023-603.pdf2.MWBE Utilization Summary 8-15-23 .pdfThis item has no public comment