City of GreensboroMeeting Agenda City CouncilTuesday, October 15, 2024 at 4:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Katie Dorsett Council Chamber300 West Washington Street, Greensboro, NC 27401The City Council Chamber is open to the public; however, residents are encouraged to continue to participate in the meeting virtually. To submit a comment or to request to speak to agenda items, please complete the City Council Virtual Comments Form ( Please confirm if you wish to appear via zoom or in-person. Residents requesting to participate via zoom must submit the request by 5:00 P.M. the day prior to the Council meeting and will receive an email invitation to register with instructions on how to participate, including a unique password that cannot be used by other individuals. Zoom participants will be removed from the call following the conclusion of their item and are invited to observe the remainder of the meeting on the Greensboro Television Network (GTN). Residents may also register in-person on the night of the meeting using an on-site Qminder kiosk. On-Site speaker requests must be entered by 6 p.m. A Qcode is available for scanning onto personal cell phone devices should residents prefer. All comments received are subject to the public records law and will be posted on the City of Greensboro website. The first regular meeting of the month is for Council consideration of public forum comments, ceremonial/presentational, consent, public hearing, and business items as needed. The second regular meeting of the month is for Council consideration of consent, public hearing, and business items. The zoning application hearing process allows proponents and opponents a total of fifteen (15) minutes notwithstanding the number of persons desiring to be heard. Proponents shall be heard first followed by comments from opponents. Each side may speak a total of five (5) minutes rebuttal. Greensboro City Council meetings are available via, a live stream will be on the city's YouTube page, at, the Greensboro Television Network (GTN) live on Spectrum channel 13 with a digital cable box, Lumos channel 31, AT&T U-verse channel 99. GTN is also available on the Roku streaming platform by going to “add channels” and searching for Greensboro Television Network. Lastly, GTN can be streamed live on the City’s website. Any individual with a disability who needs additional information or assistance, please contact Gary Canapinno, ADA Coordinator, 336-373-2723 or [email protected]. The next regular meeting of City Council will be Monday November 4,2024.A.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: B.MOMENT OF SILENCE Public Comments: C.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Comments: Introduction of Youth CourierD.COUNCIL PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCT OF THE MEETING Public Comments: E.CEREMONIAL AND/OR PRESENTATION ITEMS Public Comments: F.PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Public Comment Period is held at the first meeting of the month.G.CONSENT AGENDA (One Vote) Public Comments: G.12024 – 672 Resolution Calling a Public Hearing for November 19, 2024 to Receive Public Comments for the 2024 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) - $261,523 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024- 672 Resolution- Call for Public Hearing on FY24 JAG for November 19, 2024.pdf2.2024- 672 Resolution- Call for Hearing.pdfG.22024-694 Resolution Authorizing City Attorney to Institute Proceedings to Condemn a Portion of Hermanos Lira, LLC located at 3833 W. Gate City Blvd. in Connection with the Farmington Drive Sidewalk Project Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-694 Condemnation of 3833 W Gate City Blvd for $12,850 for the Farmington Drive Sidewalk Project.pdf2.Sitemap 1706 (3833 W Gate City Blvd) (1).pdf3.Vicinity 1706 (3833 W Gate City Blvd) (1).pdf4.2024-694 Resolution for Hermanos Lira LLC at 3833 Gate City Blvd updated.pdfG.32024-693 Resolution Authorizing City Attorney to Institute Proceedings to Condemn a Portion of the Real Estate of Siu C. Lam and Katie K. Lam, located at 4202 Whippoorwill Drive in Connection with the Whippoorwill Drive Sidewalk Project Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-693 Condemn 4202 Whippoorwill Drive in the amount of $450 for the Whippoorwill Drive Sidewalk Project.pdf2.Sitemap 1759 (4202 Whippoorwill Dr).pdf3.Vicinity 1759 (4202 Whippoorwill Dr).pdf4.2024-693 Resolution for Slu and Katie Lam at 4202 Whippoorwill Dr.pdfG.42024 -678 Resolution Amending the Authorized Legal Entity for an Economic Development Incentive from Impact Data, LLC to Dream Center GSO1, LLC Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-678 Resolution Amending Economic Development Incentive Recipient to Dream Center GSO1, LLC.pdf2.2024-678 RES Dream Center GSO1.pdfG.52024-712 Resolution to Approve Declaring City Property Listed as Surplus and Conveyance of Surplus to Guilford County Schools Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-712 Resolution Declaring the City Property Listed as Surplus and Conveyance of Surplus to GCS.pdf2.XYLOPHONE PUBLIC NOTICE updated.pdf3.PSD Routing Memo.pdf4.2024-712 Donation Resolution Xylophone.pdfG.62024-713 Resolution Authorizing an Encroachment Agreement between the City of Greensboro and Starmount Club Properties, Inc. on Monmouth Drive and St. Lauren Drive Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-713 Resolution Authorizing an Encroachment Agreement with Starmount Club Properties.pdf2.SoS Starmount.pdf3.Vicinity 1761 (Starmount CC).pdf4.Starmount ForestGIS.pdf5.Starmount 15 and 16 sleeve.pdf6.Starmount 2 and 5 sleeve.pdf7.2024-713 RES Sedgefield.pdfG.72024-719 Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Agreement with North Carolina Department of Transportation for EL-5101 DJ-DR for Downtown Greenway Project Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-719 Resolution Authorizing Amended Agreement with NCDOT in the Amt of $470,000 for EL-5101 DJ-DR - 2024-719.pdf2.20241-719 RES EL-5101 DJ-DRdocx.pdfG.82024 - 717 Ordinance Amending North Carolina Department of Transportation Funding Agreement for Project EL-5101DJ in the Amount of $470,000 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-717 Ordinance Amending NCDOT Funding Agreement EL-5101 in the Amount of $470,000 - 2024-717.pdf2.2024-717 ORD EL-5101 DJ-DR.pdfG.92024-743 Resolution Authorizing Agreement in the Amount 302,102 with North Carolina Department of Transportation FY 2025 FTA Section 5303 Planning Assistance Grant Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-743 Resolution Authorizing Agreement for $302102 with NCDOT for FY 25 5303 Planning Assistance - Updated.pdf2.Resolution Authorizing FY 2025 NCDOT Planning Assistance Grant in the Amount of $302102 LJ Edits v2.pdfG.102024 -744 Ordinance Authorizing Agreement in the Amount of $302,102 FY 25 FTA Section 5303 Planning Grant Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-744 Ordinance Authorizing Agreement in the Amount of $302102 FY 25 FTA Section 5303 Planning Grant Updated.pdf2.Ordinance Doc 5303 FY 25 Ordinance Funding Allowance _25_08_105 LJ Edits v2.pdfG.112024-692 Resolution Approving a Change Order in the Amount of $105,000 for Contract 2018-019 with Yates Construction Company, Inc. for the Burnt Poplar Road Culvert Project Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-692 Resolution Authorizing Change Order in the Amount of $105,000 for Contract 2018-019.pdf2.Yates_ SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo-Burnt Poplar Rd Culvert 2018-019-CO1-Revised.pdf4.2024-692 Yates RES.pdfG.122024-640 Budget Adjustments Requiring Council Approval 9/24/24 through 10/7/24 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-640 Budget Adjustment Requiring Council Approval September 24, 2024 to October 7, 2024.pdf2.09-24-2024 to 10-07-2024 Budget Adjustments for Council Approval.pdfG.132024-639 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer 9/24/24 through 10/7/24 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-639 Budget Adjustment Approved by Budget Officer September 24, 2024 to October 7, 2024.pdf2.09-24-2024 to 10-07-2024 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer.pdfH.PUBLIC HEARING Public Comments: H.12024-695 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Property located at 9206 W Market St and Portion of 118 Kidd Rd – 20.94 Acres (Marc Isaacson for Shelly Scanion of Colfax Realty LLC and others) Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-695 Public Hearing for Annexation 9206 W Market St and Portion of 118 Kidd Rd - 2024-695.pdf2.PLP24-24_9206WMarketMap.pdf3.PLP24-24_9206WMarketAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition_9206 W Market for Colfax Realty LLC.pdf6.2024-ORD 9206 W Market St and portion of 118 Kidd Rd.pdfThis item was postponed from the September 24th Council Meeting without further advertising.H.22024-696 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for 9206 West Market Street and 118 Kidd Road – Marc Isaacson for Shelly Scanlon of Colfax Realty LLC and others) Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-696 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 9206 W Market Street and Portion of 118 Kidd Ro - 2024-696.pdf2.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-20 (9206 W Market and portion of 118 Kidd Rd) for Colfax Realty LLC(1).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-20 (9206 W Market St and poriton of 118 Kidd Rd).pdf9.zoning statement for PLZ 24-20 (9206 W Market St and portion oif 118 Kidd Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-20 (9206 W Market St and portion of 118 Kidd Rd).pdfThis item was postponed from the September 24th Council Meeting without further advertising.H.32024-697 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Properties located at 4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Rd – 37.66 Acres (Amanda Hodierne for Clarice Forsyth Collins and others) Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-697 Public Hearing for Annexation - 4616-4634 S Holden Rd - 2024-697.pdf2.PLP24-25_4616-4634SHoldenMap.pdf3.PLP24-25_4616-4634SHoldenAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden for Penn Oak Farm LLC.pdf6.2024-ORD 4616-4634 S Holden Rd.pdfThis item was postponed from the September 24th Council Meeting without further advertising.H.42024-698 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning 4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Road – Amanda Hodierne for Clarice Collins and others Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-698 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 4616-4634 S Holden Rd - 2024-698.pdf2.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-21 (4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Rd) for Penn Oak Farm LLC(1).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-21 (4616, 4620 and 4634 S Holden Rd).pdf9.zoning statement for PLZ 24-21 (4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-24 (4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Rd).pdfThis item was postponed from the September 24th Council Meeting without further advertising.H.52024-699 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Rezoning for 1741, 1763 and 1765 Mt Hope Church Rd, 558 Old Birch Creek Rd and 928 Near and 930 Knox Rd – Amanda Hodierne on behalf of Christopher Dunbar and Wilfred Yearns for various LLCs Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-699 Public Hearing for Rezoning - Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd - 2024-699.pdf2.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopeChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopeChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopeChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-24 (Mt Hope Church and Birch Creek Rd) for BRC Knox Road for BRC Mt Hope for Stoney Creek Medical Properties LLC.pdf10.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-24 (Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd).pdf11.Approved UDP for Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd.pdf12.zoning statement for PLZ 24-24 (Mt Hope Church and Birch Creek Rd).pdf13.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-24 (Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd).pdfThis item was postponed from the September 24th Council Meeting without further advertising.H.62024–708 Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of the West Friendly Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-708 Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of the West Friendly Neighborhood Conservation Overlay.pdf2.FriendlyNCOMap_091024(1).pdf3.Zoning Minutes for W Friendly Ave NCO(1).pdf4.LDO amendment for W Friendly Ave NCO.pdfH.72024 – 736 Public Hearing to Consider West Friendly Overlay Zoning Map Amendment Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-736 Public Hearing to Consider West Friendly Overlay Zoning Map Amendment.pdf2.FriendlyNCOMap_091024.pdf3.Zoning Minutes for W Friendly Ave NCO.pdf4.ordinance for W Friendly NCO zoning map amendment.pdfH.82024-724 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Property located at 5508 Hilltop Road and a Portion of Hilltop Road – 1.41 Acres (Zynzulu Osyjwewe and Yvella S. Bradshaw and the City of Greensboro Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-724 Public Hearing for Annexation - 5508 Hilltop Road(1).pdf2.PLP24-30_5508HilltopRdMap(1).pdf3.PLP24-30_5508HilltopRdAerial(1).pdf4.Annexation petition 5508 Hillop Road(1).pdf5.2024-ORD 5508 Hilltop Rd(1).pdfH.92024-725 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for 5508 Hilltop Road and portion of Hilltop Road Right of Way – Zynzulu Osyjwewe and Yvella S. Bradshaw and City of Greensboro Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-725 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 5508 Hilltop Road.pdf2.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdfH.102024-726 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Properties Located at 5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd – 71.08 Acres (Tom Terrell on behalf of Chris Raughley for Pulte Home Company and others Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-726 Public Hearing for Annexation - 5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd.pdf2.PLP24-33_5936Burlington626KnoxMap.pdf3.PLP24-33_5936Burlington626KnoxAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 5936 Burlington Road and 626 Knox for Dees Real Estate Holdings LLCpdf.pdf6.2024-ORD 5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd.pdfH.112024-727 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for 5936 Burlington Road and 626 Knox Road – Tom Terrell on behalf of Chris Raughley for Pulte Home Company Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-727 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 5936 Burlington Road and 626 Knox Rd.pdf2.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd) for Dees Real Estate Holdings LLCpdf(1).pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd).pdf9.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd).pdfH.122024-728 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Property located at a portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Road – 3.08 Acres (Marc Isaacson on behalf of James Hale for HAT Ventures LLC Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-728 Public Hearing for Annexation - portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd - 2024-728.pdf2.PLP24-32_4544JessupGrovePartMap.pdf3.PLP24-32_4544JessupGrovePartAerial.pdf4.Annexation petition for a portion of 4544 Jessup Grove for HAT Ventures LLC(1).pdf6.2024-ORD portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd.pdfH.132024-729 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for a portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Road – Marc Isaacson on behalf of James Hale for HAT Ventures LLC Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-729 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd - 2024-729.pdf2.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdf7.Info for HAT Ventures LLC.pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdf9.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdfH.142024-722 Public Hearing for an Ordinance Annexing Territory into the Corporate Limits for the Property located at 5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave and Portion of Summit Ave Right of Way 2.23 Acres (Kristy Lynn and Bill Dean Buckner and City of Greensboro Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-722 Public Hearing for Annexation - 5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave - 2024-722.pdf2.PLP24-27 5101 and 5106 SummitMap.pdf3.PLP24-27 5101 and 5106 SummitAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 5101, 5101 ZZ, and 5106 Summit Avenue.pdf5.2024-ORD 5101, 2101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave.pdfH.152024-723 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Original Zoning for 5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Avenue and a portion of Summit Avenue right of way – Kristy Lynn and Bill Dean Buckner and City of Greensboro Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-723 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave - 2024-723.pdf2.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-26 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 24-26 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-26 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-25 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdfH.162024-721 Public Hearing for an Ordinance for Rezoning for A Portion of 2645 Randleman Road – Zachary E. Sharp for Cipriano Berrospe Cabrera and others Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-721 Public Hearing for Rezoning - Portion of 2645 Randleman Road.pdf2.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdf7.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdfH.172024-730 Resolution to Close a Portion of Standard Drive (Cheryl Miller, Rita Phillips, Ann Kirkman, Ricky Rice and Phillip Kirkman Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-730 Public Hearing for Resolution to Close Portion of Standard Drive.pdf2.PLP24-29_StandardDrClsgClsgMap.pdf3.PLP24-29_StandardDrClsgClsgAerial.pdf4.Exhibit for Standard Drive Closure Request.pdf5.Minutes for PL(P) 24-29 (portion of Standard Dr closing).pdf6.Resolution to close portion of Standard Dr.pdfI.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENDA Public Comments: I.12024 – 709 Ordinance To Amend State, Federal, And Other Grants Fund Budget For Pleasant Garden Water Service In The Amount Of $5,500,000 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-709 Ordinance in the Amount of $5,500,000 for the Pleasant Garden Water Line Project.pdf2.Pleasant Garden Reimbursement Ordinance.pdfI.22024 – 715 Resolution Approving Acceptance of State Appropriated Funds in the Amount of $5,417,500 for Pleasant Garden Infrastructure Improvements Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-715 Resolution Approving Acceptance of State Funds for $5,417,500 for Pleasant Garden Infrastructure.pdf2.Resolution for Pleasant Garden Grant Acceptance.pdfI.32024 – 711 Ordinance to Amend State, Federal, And Other Grants Fund Budget For Pleasant Garden Water Line Project In The Amount Of $5,417,500 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-711 Ordinance in the Amount of $5,417,500 for the Pleasant Garden Water Line Project.pdf2.Pleasant Garden Grant Ordinance.pdfI.42024 - 720 Resolution Approving a Contract in the amount of $734,400 with Hazen and Sawyer, PC to provide Engineering Services for Design of the Pleasant Garden Infrastructure Improvements Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-720 Resolution Approving a Contract for $734,400 with Hazen for Design Pleasant Garden Improvements .pdf2.SOS Hazen and Sawyer PC.pdf3.MWBE Memo for Design of the Pleasant Garden Road Water Line Extension.pdf4.Resolution Pleasant Garden Infrastructure Final Design.pdfI.52024 - 718 Resolution Approving an Engineering Services Contract in the amount of $1,170,000 with CDM Smith Inc. for the Mitchell WTP High Service Pump and Surge Improvements Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-718 Resolution Approving a Contract for $1.17M with CDM Smith for the Mitchell WTP High Service Pump .pdf2.CDM SOS.pdf3.MWBE Memo-On Call SA-Mitchell Pump Station Surge-CDM.pdf4.Resolution CDM CMAR MPS Surge Supports.pdfI.62024 – 714 Ordinance Amending Capital Project Revenue Bond Fund Budget to Fund Mitchell High Service Pump Design in the Amount Of $1,170,000 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-714 Ordinance in the Amount of $1,170,000 for the Mitchell High Service Pump and Surge Design Project.pdf2.Mitchell High Service Pump and Purge Ordinance.pdfI.72024-683 Resolution Approving Bid in the Amount of $886,000 and Authorizing Execution of Contract 2021-040A with Breece Enterprises, Inc. for the Distribution System Sample Station Improvements Project Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-683 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2021-040A in the Amount of $886,000 with Breece Enterprises.pdf2.Breece SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo for 2021-040A Distribution Water Quality Sampling Station Improvements.pdf4.2024-683 Breece.pdfI.82024-707 Resolution Approving Bid in the Amount of $999,500 and Authorizing Execution of Contract 2020-031D with Utility Service Co., Inc. for the 2024-2025 Fall Protection System Improvements Project Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-707 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2020-031D in the Amount of $999,500 to Utility Service Co.pdf2.SoS Utility.pdf3.MWBE Memo for 2020-031D Fall Protection Systems Improvements.pdf4.2024-707 Utility RES.pdfI.92024-570 Boards and Commissions Report for October 15, 2024 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-570 Boards and Commissions Report - October 2024 - 2024-570.pdfJ.MATTERS TO BE DISCUSSED BY THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL (If time permits) Public Comments: K.MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE CITY MANAGER (If time permits) Public Comments: L.MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY (If time permits) Public Comments: M.ADDENDUM ITEMS Public Comments: N.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: O.ATTACHMENTS FOR COUNCIL'S INFORMATION: (INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY) Public Comments: O.12024 –735 MWBE Utilization Report for October 15, 2024 Attachments | Public Comments1.2024-735 MWBE Utilization Report - 2024-735.pdf2.MWBE Utilization Report 10-15-24.pdfO.22024 – 674 Report of Disbursements Attachments | Public Comments1.Reports of Disbursements - 2024-674.pdf2.Report of Disbursements 8-1-24a.pdfNo Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments.1.2024- 672 Resolution- Call for Public Hearing on FY24 JAG for November 19, 2024.pdf2.2024- 672 Resolution- Call for Hearing.pdf1.Reports of Disbursements - 2024-674.pdf2.Report of Disbursements 8-1-24a.pdf1.2024-694 Condemnation of 3833 W Gate City Blvd for $12,850 for the Farmington Drive Sidewalk Project.pdf2.Sitemap 1706 (3833 W Gate City Blvd) (1).pdf3.Vicinity 1706 (3833 W Gate City Blvd) (1).pdf4.2024-694 Resolution for Hermanos Lira LLC at 3833 Gate City Blvd updated.pdf1.2024-693 Condemn 4202 Whippoorwill Drive in the amount of $450 for the Whippoorwill Drive Sidewalk Project.pdf2.Sitemap 1759 (4202 Whippoorwill Dr).pdf3.Vicinity 1759 (4202 Whippoorwill Dr).pdf4.2024-693 Resolution for Slu and Katie Lam at 4202 Whippoorwill Dr.pdf1.2024-678 Resolution Amending Economic Development Incentive Recipient to Dream Center GSO1, LLC.pdf2.2024-678 RES Dream Center GSO1.pdf1.2024-714 Ordinance in the Amount of $1,170,000 for the Mitchell High Service Pump and Surge Design Project.pdf2.Mitchell High Service Pump and Purge Ordinance.pdf1.2024-683 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2021-040A in the Amount of $886,000 with Breece Enterprises.pdf2.Breece SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo for 2021-040A Distribution Water Quality Sampling Station Improvements.pdf4.2024-683 Breece.pdf1.2024-717 Ordinance Amending NCDOT Funding Agreement EL-5101 in the Amount of $470,000 - 2024-717.pdf2.2024-717 ORD EL-5101 DJ-DR.pdf1.2024-719 Resolution Authorizing Amended Agreement with NCDOT in the Amt of $470,000 for EL-5101 DJ-DR - 2024-719.pdf2.20241-719 RES EL-5101 DJ-DRdocx.pdf1.2024-725 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 5508 Hilltop Road.pdf2.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-27-5508HilltopRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-27 (5508 Hilltop Rd).pdf1.2024-712 Resolution Declaring the City Property Listed as Surplus and Conveyance of Surplus to GCS.pdf2.XYLOPHONE PUBLIC NOTICE updated.pdf3.PSD Routing Memo.pdf4.2024-712 Donation Resolution Xylophone.pdf1.2024-724 Public Hearing for Annexation - 5508 Hilltop Road(1).pdf2.PLP24-30_5508HilltopRdMap(1).pdf3.PLP24-30_5508HilltopRdAerial(1).pdf4.Annexation petition 5508 Hillop Road(1).pdf5.2024-ORD 5508 Hilltop Rd(1).pdf1.2024-729 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd - 2024-729.pdf2.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-28-Aportionof4544JessupGroveRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdf7.Info for HAT Ventures LLC.pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdf9.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-28 (portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd).pdf1.2024-726 Public Hearing for Annexation - 5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd.pdf2.PLP24-33_5936Burlington626KnoxMap.pdf3.PLP24-33_5936Burlington626KnoxAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 5936 Burlington Road and 626 Knox for Dees Real Estate Holdings LLCpdf.pdf6.2024-ORD 5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd.pdf1.2024-727 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 5936 Burlington Road and 626 Knox Rd.pdf2.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-29-5936BurlingtonRdand626KnoxRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd) for Dees Real Estate Holdings LLCpdf(1).pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd).pdf9.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-29 (5936 Burlington Rd and 626 Knox Rd).pdf1.2024-697 Public Hearing for Annexation - 4616-4634 S Holden Rd - 2024-697.pdf2.PLP24-25_4616-4634SHoldenMap.pdf3.PLP24-25_4616-4634SHoldenAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden for Penn Oak Farm LLC.pdf6.2024-ORD 4616-4634 S Holden Rd.pdf1.2024-699 Public Hearing for Rezoning - Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd - 2024-699.pdf2.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopeChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopeChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-24-MtHopeChurchRd,OldBirchCreekRdandKnoxRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-24 (Mt Hope Church and Birch Creek Rd) for BRC Knox Road for BRC Mt Hope for Stoney Creek Medical Properties LLC.pdf10.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-24 (Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd).pdf11.Approved UDP for Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd.pdf12.zoning statement for PLZ 24-24 (Mt Hope Church and Birch Creek Rd).pdf13.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-24 (Mt Hope Church Rd and Knox Rd).pdf1.2024-723 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave - 2024-723.pdf2.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-26-5101,5101-ZZand5106SummitAve-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-26 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdf7.zoning statement for PLZ 24-26 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-26 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-25 (5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave).pdf1.2024-695 Public Hearing for Annexation 9206 W Market St and Portion of 118 Kidd Rd - 2024-695.pdf2.PLP24-24_9206WMarketMap.pdf3.PLP24-24_9206WMarketAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition_9206 W Market for Colfax Realty LLC.pdf6.2024-ORD 9206 W Market St and portion of 118 Kidd Rd.pdf1.2024-696 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 9206 W Market Street and Portion of 118 Kidd Ro - 2024-696.pdf2.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-20-9206WMarketStandaportionof118KiddRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-20 (9206 W Market and portion of 118 Kidd Rd) for Colfax Realty LLC(1).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-20 (9206 W Market St and poriton of 118 Kidd Rd).pdf9.zoning statement for PLZ 24-20 (9206 W Market St and portion oif 118 Kidd Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-20 (9206 W Market St and portion of 118 Kidd Rd).pdf1.2024-698 Public Hearing for Original Zoning - 4616-4634 S Holden Rd - 2024-698.pdf2.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-21-4616,4620,4628and4634SHoldenRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-21 (4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Rd) for Penn Oak Farm LLC(1).pdf8.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-21 (4616, 4620 and 4634 S Holden Rd).pdf9.zoning statement for PLZ 24-21 (4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Rd).pdf10.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-24 (4616, 4620, 4628 and 4634 S Holden Rd).pdf1.2024-713 Resolution Authorizing an Encroachment Agreement with Starmount Club Properties.pdf2.SoS Starmount.pdf3.Vicinity 1761 (Starmount CC).pdf4.Starmount ForestGIS.pdf5.Starmount 15 and 16 sleeve.pdf6.Starmount 2 and 5 sleeve.pdf7.2024-713 RES Sedgefield.pdf1.2024-722 Public Hearing for Annexation - 5101, 5101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave - 2024-722.pdf2.PLP24-27 5101 and 5106 SummitMap.pdf3.PLP24-27 5101 and 5106 SummitAerial.pdf4.Annexation Petition 5101, 5101 ZZ, and 5106 Summit Avenue.pdf5.2024-ORD 5101, 2101ZZ and 5106 Summit Ave.pdf1.2024-707 Resolution Authorizing Contract 2020-031D in the Amount of $999,500 to Utility Service Co.pdf2.SoS Utility.pdf3.MWBE Memo for 2020-031D Fall Protection Systems Improvements.pdf4.2024-707 Utility RES.pdf1.2024-728 Public Hearing for Annexation - portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd - 2024-728.pdf2.PLP24-32_4544JessupGrovePartMap.pdf3.PLP24-32_4544JessupGrovePartAerial.pdf4.Annexation petition for a portion of 4544 Jessup Grove for HAT Ventures LLC(1).pdf6.2024-ORD portion of 4544 Jessup Grove Rd.pdf1.2024-735 MWBE Utilization Report - 2024-735.pdf2.MWBE Utilization Report 10-15-24.pdf1.2024-715 Resolution Approving Acceptance of State Funds for $5,417,500 for Pleasant Garden Infrastructure.pdf2.Resolution for Pleasant Garden Grant Acceptance.pdf1.2024-711 Ordinance in the Amount of $5,417,500 for the Pleasant Garden Water Line Project.pdf2.Pleasant Garden Grant Ordinance.pdf1.2024-709 Ordinance in the Amount of $5,500,000 for the Pleasant Garden Water Line Project.pdf2.Pleasant Garden Reimbursement Ordinance.pdf1.2024-720 Resolution Approving a Contract for $734,400 with Hazen for Design Pleasant Garden Improvements .pdf2.SOS Hazen and Sawyer PC.pdf3.MWBE Memo for Design of the Pleasant Garden Road Water Line Extension.pdf4.Resolution Pleasant Garden Infrastructure Final Design.pdf1.2024-718 Resolution Approving a Contract for $1.17M with CDM Smith for the Mitchell WTP High Service Pump .pdf2.CDM SOS.pdf3.MWBE Memo-On Call SA-Mitchell Pump Station Surge-CDM.pdf4.Resolution CDM CMAR MPS Surge Supports.pdf1.2024-692 Resolution Authorizing Change Order in the Amount of $105,000 for Contract 2018-019.pdf2.Yates_ SoS.pdf3.MWBE Memo-Burnt Poplar Rd Culvert 2018-019-CO1-Revised.pdf4.2024-692 Yates RES.pdf1.2024-721 Public Hearing for Rezoning - Portion of 2645 Randleman Road.pdf2.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-Zoning.pdf3.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-Aerial.pdf4.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-FLUM.pdf5.PL(Z)24-25-Aportionof2645RandlemanRd-FBF.pdf6.zoning staff report for PLZ 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdf7.Zoning Minutes for PL(Z) 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdf8.zoning statement for PLZ 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdf9.ordinance for PL(Z) 24-25 (portion of 2645 Randleman Rd).pdf1.2024-639 Budget Adjustment Approved by Budget Officer September 24, 2024 to October 7, 2024.pdf2.09-24-2024 to 10-07-2024 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer.pdf1.2024-640 Budget Adjustment Requiring Council Approval September 24, 2024 to October 7, 2024.pdf2.09-24-2024 to 10-07-2024 Budget Adjustments for Council Approval.pdf1.2024-730 Public Hearing for Resolution to Close Portion of Standard Drive.pdf2.PLP24-29_StandardDrClsgClsgMap.pdf3.PLP24-29_StandardDrClsgClsgAerial.pdf4.Exhibit for Standard Drive Closure Request.pdf5.Minutes for PL(P) 24-29 (portion of Standard Dr closing).pdf6.Resolution to close portion of Standard Dr.pdf1.2024-736 Public Hearing to Consider West Friendly Overlay Zoning Map Amendment.pdf2.FriendlyNCOMap_091024.pdf3.Zoning Minutes for W Friendly Ave NCO.pdf4.ordinance for W Friendly NCO zoning map amendment.pdf1.2024-570 Boards and Commissions Report - October 2024 - 2024-570.pdf1.2024-743 Resolution Authorizing Agreement for $302102 with NCDOT for FY 25 5303 Planning Assistance - Updated.pdf2.Resolution Authorizing FY 2025 NCDOT Planning Assistance Grant in the Amount of $302102 LJ Edits v2.pdf1.2024-708 Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of the West Friendly Neighborhood Conservation Overlay.pdf2.FriendlyNCOMap_091024(1).pdf3.Zoning Minutes for W Friendly Ave NCO(1).pdf4.LDO amendment for W Friendly Ave NCO.pdf1.2024-744 Ordinance Authorizing Agreement in the Amount of $302102 FY 25 FTA Section 5303 Planning Grant Updated.pdf2.Ordinance Doc 5303 FY 25 Ordinance Funding Allowance _25_08_105 LJ Edits v2.pdfThis item has no public comment