Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Greensboro that for the purpose of financing expenditures of the City of Greensboro, North Carolina, there is hereby appropriated, from taxes and other revenue collectible, the following funds for operation of City government and its activities for the Fiscal Year 2024-25 beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025.
Section 1. It is estimated that the following expenditures are necessary for current operation expenditures and debt service payments for the City of Greensboro for the Fiscal Year 2024-25, beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025.
General Fund
Current Operating Expense 421,896,565
State Highway Allocation Fund (Powell Bill)
Current Operating Expense 8,439,000
Cemeteries Operating Fund
Current Operating Expense 1,180,028
Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Fund
Current Operating Expense 6,835,270
Special Tax Districts Fund
Current Operating Expense 1,456,125
Nussbaum Housing Partnership Revolving Fund
Current Operating Expense 4,760,173
Emergency Telephone System Fund
Current Operating Expense 1,714,632
Debt Service Fund
Current Operating Expense 48,379,264
Water Resources Enterprise Fund
Current Operating Expense 187,721,012
Stormwater Management Fund
Current Operating Expense 15,914,332
War Memorial Coliseum Complex Fund
Current Operating Expense 37,725,108
Performing Arts Fund
Current Operating Expense 35,584,884
Parking Fund
Current Operating Expense 8,267,016
Solid Waste Management System Fund
Current Operating Expense 19,844,537
Greensboro Transit Agency Fund
Current Operating Expense 35,656,887
Equipment Services Fund
Current Operating Expense 32,693,114
Technical Services Fund
Current Operating Expense 6,950,825
Network Services Fund
Current Operating Expense 19,474,876
Graphic Services Fund
Current Operating Expense 1,022,546
Employee Insurance Fund
Current Operating Expense 62,108,785
General Insurance Fund
Current Operating Expense 4,737,823
Capital Leasing Fund
Current Operating Expense 4,139,752
Guilford Metro Communications Fund
Current Operating Expense 15,426,237 Total 981,928,791
Less Total Transfers and Internal Charges -179,917,524
Net Total 802,011,267
Section 2. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available during the Fiscal Year 2024-25 beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 to meet the foregoing appropriations:
General Fund
Current Operating Revenue 413,494,053
Appropriated Fund Balance 8,402,512 421,896,565
State Highway Allocation Fund (Powell Bill)
Current Operating Revenue 8,398,000
Appropriated Fund Balance 41,000 8,439,000
Cemeteries Operating Fund
Current Operating Revenue 1,080,327
Appropriated Fund Balance 99,701 1,180,028
Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Fund
Current Operating Revenue 6,835,270 6,835,270
Special Tax Districts Fund
Current Operating Revenue 1,360,725
Appropriated Fund Balance 95,400 1,456,125
Nussbaum Housing Partnership Revolving Fund
Current Operating Revenue 4,005,467
Appropriated Fund Balance 754,706 4,760,173
Emergency Telephone System Fund
Current Operating Revenue 1,525,166
Appropriated Fund Balance 189,466 1,714,632
Debt Service Fund
Current Operating Revenue 48,379,264 48,379,264
Water Resources Enterprise Fund
Current Operating Revenue 169,380,215
Appropriated Fund Balance 18,340,797 187,721,012
Stormwater Management Fund
Current Operating Revenue 15,789,332
Appropriated Fund Balance 125,000 15,914,332
War Memorial Coliseum Complex Fund
Current Operating Revenue 37,725,108 37,725,108
Performing Arts Fund
Current Operating Revenue 35,584,884 35,584,884
Parking Fund
Current Operating Revenue 7,428,373
Appropriated Fund Balance 838,643 8,267,016
Solid Waste Management System Fund
Current Operating Revenue 17,844,537
Appropriated Fund Balance 2,000,000 19,844,537
Greensboro Transit Agency Fund
Current Operating Revenue 26,146,737
Appropriated Fund Balance 9,510,150 35,656,887
Equipment Services Fund
Current Operating Revenue 30,930,327
Appropriated Fund Balance 1,762,787 32,693,114
Technical Services Fund
Current Operating Revenue 6,559,138
Appropriated Fund Balance 391,687 6,950,825
Network Services Fund
Current Operating Revenue 17,196,767
Appropriated Fund Balance 2,278,109 19,474,876
Graphic Services Fund
Current Operating Revenue 1,002,689
Appropriated Fund Balance 19,857 1,022,546
Employee Insurance Fund
Current Operating Revenue 58,694,774
Appropriated Fund Balance 3,414,011 62,108,785
General Insurance Fund
Current Operating Revenue 4,175,473
Appropriated Fund Balance 562,350 4,737,823
Capital Leasing Fund
Current Operating Revenue 3,794,246
Appropriated Fund Balance 345,506 4,139,752
Guilford Metro Communications Fund
Current Operating Revenue 15,426,237 15,426,237
Total 981,928,791
Less Total Transfers and Internal Charges -179,917,524
Net Total 802,011,267
Section 3. There is hereby levied the following rates of tax on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable real property and taxable tangible personal property, as listed for taxes as of January 1, 2024 for the purpose of raising the revenue from Current Year’s Property tax, as set forth in the foregoing estimates of revenue, and in order to finance the foregoing appropriations:
For the payment of general operating expenses and capital expenditures of the City including .6275 the payment of principal and interest of the bonded indebtedness of the City of Greensboro
- For the payment of general operating expenses and capital expenditures associated with .0350 the Greensboro Transit Agency Fund
- For the payment of general operating expenses and capital expenditures associated with .0100 the Housing Partnership Fund
TOTAL .6725
Such rates of tax are based on an estimated total appraised valuation of property for purposes of taxation of $39,303,500,000 and an estimated rate collection of ninety-nine percent (99%).
Section 4. There is hereby levied the following rates of tax on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable real property and taxable tangible personal property in the following special tax districts, as listed for taxes as of January 1, 2024, for the purposes as set forth in the Special Tax Districts as authorized by City Council:
- College Hill Historic District for improvements as stated in the Special Historic District .01 Plan
- Dunleath Historic District for improvements as stated in the Special Historic District .05 Plan
- Business Improvement District for improvements as stated in the Downtown .09
Greensboro Business Improvement District Business Plan
Such rates of tax are based on an estimated total appraised valuation in each Special Tax District and an estimated rate of collection of ninety-nine percent (99%). Such rates of tax consider the current and long-range needs, plans and goals of the districts and are set so that there is no accumulation of excess funds.
Section 5. Appropriations hereinabove authorized and made for water and sewer operating fund, water and sewer current operating expense and debt service, are made from revenue collectible for the operation of the combined water and sewer systems and miscellaneous revenue.
Section 6. Appropriations hereinabove authorized and made shall have the amounts of the outstanding purchase orders and unearned portion of contracts at June 30, 2024 (rounded to the nearest dollar) added to each appropriation as it applies, in order to properly account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid.
Section 7. Copies of this ordinance shall be furnished to the Budget and Evaluation Director, Finance Director and the City Clerk within five days after adoption to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of City Funds.
Section 8. This ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of July 1, 2024.
(Signed) Yvonne Johnson