City of Greensboro Meeting Minutes - Final

City Council

Katie Dorsett Council Chamber
300 West Washington Street, Greensboro, NC 27401
  • Mayor Nancy Vaughan, 
  • Mayor Pro-Tem Yvonne Johnson, 
  • Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter, 
  • Councilmember Sharon Hightower, 
  • Councilmember Nancy Hoffmann, 
  • Councilmember Hugh Holston, 
  • Councilmember Zack Matheny, 
  • and and Councilmember Tammi Thurm 
  • Councilmember Goldie Wells 
Also Present:
  • Interim City Manager Chris Wilson, 
  • City Attorney Chuck Watts, 
  • and and City Clerk Angela Lord 



These City Council minutes are a general account of the June 4, 2024 meeting.  For full details of discussions, the meeting video can be located on the City of Greensboro website at

This City Council meeting of the City of Greensboro was called to order at 5:30 pm on the above date in the Katie Dorsett Council Chamber of the Melvin Municipal Office Building.

Mayor Vaughan confirmed all Councilmembers in attendance; except Councilmember Wells; and stated Councilmember Hoffmann would arrive later.

Moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Abuzuaiter to excuse Councilmember Wells from the meeting.  The motion carried by voice vote.

Moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Abuzuaiter to excuse Councilmember Hoffmann until her arrival.  The motion carried by voice vote.

Note:  Councilmember Hoffmann joined the meeting at 7:10 P.M.



The meeting opened with a moment of silence.



Mayor Vaughan recognized students from Rankin Elementary School to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; and recognized members of a Boy Scout Group in the gallery.

Mayor Vaughan called on Interim City Manager Chris Wilson to introduce the Youth Courier.

Interim City Manager Wilson recognized Darius Satterfield; stated Darius was a rising junior at Elizabeth City State University; majored in Sports Management with a passion to help communities; explained Darius enjoyed Greensboro; and that he is a kicker for Elizabeth Cities football team with a passion for soccer.  Interim City Manager Wilson stated that as a diehard Manchester United fan, Darius anticipates serving at Bryan Park soccer tournaments.

Mayor Vaughan explained the Council procedure for conduct of the meeting.; stated staff had requested Council to postpone Item G.11/2024-408 from the consent agenda to the June 18, 2024 meeting of Council for revisions. 

Moved by Councilmember Thurm, seconded by Councilmember Abuzuaiter to remove item G.11 from the consent agenda.  The motion carried by voice vote.

There were no ceremonial items for this agenda.

Mayor Vaughan taking the prerogative of the Chair, heard item H.1./2024-375 before public comments.



Tanika Warren voiced concerns with United States Housing and Urban Development support; spoke to City funding; and to relocation assistance. 

Joe Brower spoke on behalf of North Carolina Triad Fusion; to a Bryan Park commitment; referenced youth and adult sports; summer camps; and private and public investments.

Discussion took place regarding Greensboro soccer field rankings; and investment in the Hayes Taylor YMCA soccer programs. 

Denise Umana and Rose from Rankin Elementary spoke to a clean city.

Zita Manning voiced concerns regarding homelessness; property management; eviction data; TEAM funding; referenced Guilford for All; and housing Gate City. 

William Dempsey voiced concerns with improper disposal of government property; and housing values.

Rosendo Felipe spoke to the Greensboro Jaycees communications and marketing; local activities; upcoming events; and retainment of youth in Greensboro.

Malique Hough voiced concerns regarding the Interactive Resource Center (IRC); homeless activities; requested Council for a Beauty in the Streets in Greensboro; and proposed a homeless shelter location.

Toad of the Mountain referenced recent articles; spoke to change; commended Council members for support; and spoke to the need for direct action at the IRC.

Paige Sprinkle on behalf of Mayors Committee for Persons with Disabilities referenced the 501C non-profit organization; spoke to upcoming graduations and scholarship opportunities; shared application process information; highlighted presentations at an upcoming Council meeting; and spoke to an upcoming host Question and Answer sessions. 

Portia Shipman read a press release sent out recently regarding Fair Housing.

Isaac Myers voiced concerns regarding security at the depot; spoke to false allocations; to biased interactions; to filed complaints; and to abuse of authority.

Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson requested staff to get Mr. Myers contact information.

Cameron Simpson voiced concerns with Gillespie Golf Course golf course.

Discussion took place regarding upcoming maintenance; and reporting incidents. 

Councilmember Hightower requested staff to research netting height.

Malik Peay referenced a program in San Francisco; spoke to community groups; and voiced concerns with the jail system.

Kristin Sagar spoke to recreational sports; voiced concerns with Parks and Recreation (P & R); with girl sports inequalities; with affordability; and referenced conversations with P & R staff.

Assistant City Manager Nasha McCray explained staff were looking into the concerns; outlined girls sporting opportunities; and highlighted additional sport programs being offered.



Mayor Vaughan asked if anyone wished to remove any items from the consent agenda; and reminded Council that any items removed from the consent agenda, other than for a recusal or for the purpose to vote 'No' would be placed on the next business meeting agenda as a business item.  The consent agenda was approved as amended with the removal of item G.11/2024-408.

  • Moved ByCouncilmember Holston
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Thurm
    Ayes (7)Mayor Vaughan, Councilmember Abuzuaiter, Councilmember Hightower, Councilmember Thurm, Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, Councilmember Holston, and Councilmember Matheny
    Absent (2)Councilmember Hoffmann, and Councilmember Wells
    Carried (7 to 0)



Taking the prerogative of the Chair, Mayor Vaughan moved H.1 up on the agenda; and stated this was the time and the place for a public hearing for item H.1./2024-375 a resolution authorizing an Economic Development Incentive to Project Mercury in the Amount not to Exceed $344,171.

Marshall Yandle made a PowerPoint Presentation (PPP); highlighted the request from Clearly Clean, LLC; outlined the incentive request; the criteria details; staff recommendations; and recognized representatives in attendance. 

Discussion took place regarding hiring phases; and impact zones.

Motion to adopt the resolution was approved.

(A copy of the PowerPoint Presentation is filed in Exhibit Drawer G, No. 23, which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes.)

  • Moved ByMayor Pro-Tem Johnson
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Hightower
    Ayes (7)Mayor Vaughan, Councilmember Abuzuaiter, Councilmember Hightower, Councilmember Thurm, Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, Councilmember Holston, and Councilmember Matheny
    Absent (2)Councilmember Hoffmann, and Councilmember Wells
    Carried (7 to 0)


    WHEREAS, on May 17, 2005, the City Council adopted Economic Development Guidelines whereby the City may participate financially in the development of certain private improvements to promote economic development in accordance with the Guidelines and NCGS Section 158-7.1;

    WHEREAS, Project Mercury (the Company) is considering a location at 3631, 3633, and 3635 McConnell Road in Greensboro (the “Site”) for a new manufacturing facility in addition to other options within the United States;
    WHEREAS, the Company has requested that the City provide for an economic development incentive grant in the projected amount of $344,171, based upon a projection of anticipated new personal and real property taxes, for the creation of 80 new jobs on or before December 31, 2027 and a projected investment made directly by the Company or made at the direction of the Company in the amount of $26,940,000 in real property and personal property on or before December 31, 2028;

    WHEREAS, the Company would be eligible, per the Economic Development Guidelines, for an additional $250 incentive per job for any new employee whose permanent address is located in an Impact Zone or who is hired through NCWorks Career Centers;

    WHEREAS, but for the City’s incentive grant, the Company would not locate in Greensboro;

    WHEREAS, the addition of 80 new jobs and investment in real and personal property is expected to generate public benefit by increasing taxable property and employment in the City;

    WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on June 4, 2024, in accordance with N.C.G.S. 158-7.1 setting out the particulars of the request and the public benefits to be derived from said improvements; and


    • That in accordance with the City’s Economic Development Incentive Program Guidelines, and pursuant to NCGS 158-7.1, a grant reimbursement and participatory agreement between the City, as grantor, and the Company as grantee in an amount not to exceed $344,171 that is contingent upon the creation of 80 new jobs paying not below $18.00 per hour with an average annual wage of $58,876 on or before December 31, 2027 and project investment made or caused to be made by the Company of approximately $26,940,000 in real and personal property at the Site within the City limits on or before December 31, 2028.
    • The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City of Greensboro, the proper agreements to effectuate the incentive grant and any other related documentation.
    • The incentive grant shall be paid in equal annual installment payments after investment has been made, whether by the Company directly or caused to be made by the Company, and provided new jobs are created according to the benchmarks and confirmed by the City.
    • The project shall comply with the City’s Minority/Women Business Enterprise Program Plan as it pertains to Economic Development Project M/WBE Subcontracting Goals.
    • In accordance with NCGS 158-7.1(h), the agreement shall include provisions approved by the City Attorney to recapture the incentive in the event the jobs are not retained for a certain period or there is a lower capital investment than specified in the incentive grant agreement.

    (Signed) Yvonne Johnson

Mayor Vaughan stated this was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider H.2./2024-415 a public hearing to receive public comment on the recommended Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Budget.

The following speakers spoke to Keep Gate City Housed; Guilford for All; family values; community support; voiced concerns regarding evictions; commended Council for funding; requested rent control in the amount $1.5 million; highlighted code enforcement issues; rising rental rates; the T.E.A.M. tenant program; highlighted Legal Aid assistance; housing residents; limited resources; feeding programs; housing affordability; and additional rental charges:

Kenneth Cole, Amy Hall; Lahav Zakem; Devease Simpson; Patricia Starnes; LaToya Fields; Shante Woody; Deborah Moore; Anita Washington; and Terrell Dungee

Councilmember Hoffmann joined the meeting at 7:10 P.M.

Councilmember Thurm requested data on rental assistance programs and funding.

Kass Ottley, Union Organizer spoke to city employee minimum wages; request for additional wages; spoke to termination of workers; requested grievance polices; and requested meeting with City Manager in the evening.

Discussion took place regarding hourly wage increases; grievance policies; recent salary market adjustments; and the lack of communication with Council.

Michael Person, Water Resources employee spoke to hazard pay; and read a statement into the record.

Samuel Hawkins spoke to Minimum Housing; to support of Keep Gate City Housed; and to evictions. 

Beth McKee-Huger voiced appreciation for Nussbaum funding; concerns regarding allocations and availability of Nussbaum funding; and spoke to goals and information.

Councilmember Matheny referenced data provided; voiced allocation concerns; requested staff to share information with the speaker; spoke to follow up questions; and voiced concerns with nonresponse from the community programs.

Discussion ensued regarding funding allocations; and administrative costs.

Councilmember Hightower requested staff to provide an allocation break down. 

Phillip Marsh spoke to public safety; voiced concerns with Washington Street corridor; and highlighted the need to update parking deck charging stations. 

Councilmember Hightower requested staff to research the charging stations.  

Moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Holston to close the public hearing.  The motion carried by voice vote. 8-0

Mayor Vaughan declared a recess at 7:41 P.M.  Council reconvened at 7:56 P.M. with all members present except Councilmember Wells.

Mayor Vaughan stated this was the time and place set for a public hearing to consider H.3./2024-401 a resolution Making Certain Findings and Determinations Regarding the Proposed Financing of a New Fleet Servicing Garage and Various Capital Improvement Projects and Equipment Acquisitions for the City of Greensboro; and stated this was the hour and day of the public hearing on a trust agreement or similar installment financing arrangement (the “Agreement”) to be entered into by the City of Greensboro, North Carolina (the “City”) pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, providing for the issuance of limited obligation bonds (the “Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $47,500,000 for the purpose of providing funds, together with other available funds, to (a) pay the costs of (i) acquiring, constructing and equipping a new fleet servicing garage and (ii) various capital improvement projects and equipment acquisitions including, without limitation, yard waste collection carts, parks and recreational facilities improvement and equipment, improvements to the Greensboro Science Center, the Cultural Arts Center and the Heritage House, library improvements, solid waste transfer station improvements, police facility security improvements, streetscape and crosswalk improvements, including lighting and other corridor improvements, office renovations and other miscellaneous items (collectively, the “Project”) and (b) pay certain financing costs relating thereto.  If the City enters into the proposed Agreement, it will secure its obligations thereunder by executing and delivering a deed of trust granting a lien on the site of the new fleet servicing garage constituting a portion of the Project, together with all improvements or fixtures located or to be located thereon, subject to certain permitted encumbrances.

Note:  Due to a technical issue, Councilmember Hoffmann voted verbally on this and subsequent items; following the meeting, all votes were manually updated by City Clerk Angela Lord to reflect yes votes.

Motion to adopt the resolution was approved.

  • Moved ByCouncilmember Thurm
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Hightower
    Ayes (8)Mayor Vaughan, Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, Councilmember Abuzuaiter, Councilmember Hightower, Councilmember Hoffmann, Councilmember Holston, Councilmember Matheny, and Councilmember Thurm
    Absent (1)Councilmember Wells
    Carried (8 to 0)

    154-24 The City Council of the City of Greensboro, North Carolina met in a regular meeting in the Katie Dorsett Council Chambers of the Melvin Municipal Office Building located at 300 W. Washington Street in Greensboro, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting, at 5:30 p.m. on June 4, 2024.

    Present:  Mayor Nancy B. Vaughan, presiding, and Council Members                 


    Absent:  Council Members                                                                                     


    Also Present:                                                                                                           


    *     *     *     *     *     *

    The Mayor announced that this was the hour and day of the public hearing on a trust agreement or similar installment financing arrangement (the “Agreement”) to be entered into by the City of Greensboro, North Carolina (the “City”) pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, providing for the issuance of limited obligation bonds (the “Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $47,500,000 for the purpose of providing funds, together with other available funds, to (a) pay the costs of (i) acquiring, constructing and equipping a new fleet servicing garage and (ii) various capital improvement projects and equipment acquisitions including, without limitation, yard waste collection carts, parks and recreational facilities improvement and equipment, improvements to the Greensboro Science Center, the Cultural Arts Center and the Heritage House, library improvements, solid waste transfer station improvements, police facility security improvements, streetscape and crosswalk improvements, including lighting and other corridor improvements, office renovations and other miscellaneous items (collectively, the “Project”) and (b) pay certain financing costs relating thereto.  If the City enters into the proposed Agreement, it will secure its obligations thereunder by executing and delivering a deed of trust granting a lien on the site of the new fleet servicing garage constituting a portion of the Project, together with all improvements or fixtures located or to be located thereon, subject to certain permitted encumbrances.

    Section 160A-20(g) of the General Statutes of North Carolina requires that the City hold a public hearing prior to entering into the Agreement.

    The Mayor acknowledged due publication of the notice of public hearing in a newspaper with a general circulation in said City and directed the City Clerk of the City to attach the affidavit showing publication in said newspaper on a date at least ten (10) days prior to the date hereof as Exhibit A.

    The Mayor then announced that the City Council would immediately hear anyone who might wish to be heard on the proposed Agreement and Bonds as described above.

    A list of all persons making comments and a summary of such comments are attached as Exhibit B.

    The public hearing was closed.

    All statements and comments by participants of the public hearing were duly considered by the City Council.

    Thereupon, Council Member __________________ introduced the following resolution the title of which was read and a copy of which had been previously distributed to each Council Member:


    BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the “City Council”) of the City of Greensboro, North Carolina (the “City”) as follows:

    Section 1.  The City Council does hereby find and determine as follows:

    (a) The City has determined to pay the costs of (i) acquiring, constructing and equipping a new fleet servicing garage and (ii) various capital improvement projects and equipment acquisitions including, without limitation, yard waste collection carts, parks and recreational facilities improvement and equipment, improvements to the Greensboro Science Center, the Cultural Arts Center and the Heritage House, library improvements, solid waste transfer station improvements, police facility security improvements, streetscape and crosswalk improvements, including lighting and other corridor improvements, office renovations and other miscellaneous items (collectively, the “Project”).

    (b) After a public hearing and due consideration, the City has determined to enter into a Master Trust Agreement and a First Supplemental Trust Agreement (collectively, the “Trust Agreement”) between the City and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, as trustee (the “Trustee”), pursuant to which the City will issue limited obligation bonds thereunder in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $47,500,000 (the “Bonds”) to provide funds, together with other available funds, to (i) pay the costs of the Project and (ii) pay the fees and expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the Bonds.

    (c) In order to secure its obligations under the Trust Agreement, the City will execute and deliver a Deed of Trust (the “Deed of Trust”) for the benefit of the Trustee granting a lien on the site of the new fleet servicing garage constituting a portion of the Project, together with all improvements or fixtures located or to be located thereon, subject to certain permitted encumbrances.

    (d) It is in the best interest of the City to enter into the Trust Agreement and to issue the Bonds pursuant thereto in that such plan of finance will result in the financing of the Project in an efficient and cost effective manner for the City.

    (e) Entering into the Trust Agreement and issuing the Bonds pursuant thereto is preferable to a general obligation bond and revenue bond issue in that (i) the City does not have sufficient constitutional authority to issue non-voted general obligation bonds pursuant to Article V, Section 4 of the North Carolina Constitution because the City has not retired a sufficient amount of general obligation debt in the preceding fiscal year to issue a sufficient amount of general obligation bonds for the financing of the Project; (ii) the nature of the financing does not allow for the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Project; (iii) the costs of financing the Project exceeds the amount to be prudently provided from currently available appropriations and unappropriated fund balances; (iv) the circumstances existing require that funds be available to finance the Project as soon as practicable and the time required for holding an election for the issuance of voted general obligation bonds pursuant to Article V, Section 4 of the North Carolina Constitution and the Local Government Bond Act will delay the commencement of the Project by several months; and (v) there can be no assurances that the issuance of general obligation bonds to finance the Project would be approved by the voters and the current interest rate environment dictates the financing of the Project be accomplished in a timely and expedient manner.

    (f) Based upon information provided to the City Council, the costs of the financing described above is reasonably comparable to the costs associated with other alternative means of financing and is acceptable to the City Council.

    (g) Counsel to the City will render an opinion to the effect that the proposed undertaking as described above is authorized by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina.

    (h) The debt management policies of the City have been carried out in strict compliance with law, and the City is not in default under any obligation for repayment of borrowed money.

    (i) No ad valorem tax rate increase is currently expected to be necessary to pay principal of and interest on the Bonds.

    Section 2.  The City Council hereby authorizes, ratifies and approves the filing of an application with the Local Government Commission for approval of the Bonds and the Trust Agreement and requests the Local Government Commission to approve the Bonds and the Trust Agreement and the proposed financing in connection therewith.

    Section 3.  The following financing team members are hereby approved by the City in connection with the proposed financing:

    Co-Bond Counsel:                  Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP

    McKenzie & Associates

    Underwriters:                         Wells Fargo Bank, National Association

    Loop Capital Markets LLC

    Underwriters’ Counsel:          Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A.

    Trustee:                                   U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association

    Financial Advisor:                  First Tryon Advisors

    Section 4.  This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

    Upon motion of Council Member __________________, seconded by Council Member _______________, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote:





    *     *     *     *     *     *

    I, Angela R. Lord, City Clerk of the City of Greensboro, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of the City Council of said City at a regular meeting held on June 4, 2024, as it relates in any way to the holding of a public hearing and the adoption of the foregoing resolution relating to a proposed limited obligation bond financing by the City and that said proceedings are to be recorded in the minutes of said City Council.

    I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that proper notice of such regular meeting was given as required by North Carolina law.

    WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 4th day of June, 2024.


    City Clerk





    [Attach publisher’s affidavit evidencing publication of the Notice of Public Hearing]




    WBD (US) 4862-0028-9211v1


    [A list of any persons making comments and a summary of such comments to be attached.  If no comments are made, please insert “None.”]

    (Signed) Tammi Thurm

    Mayor Vaughan taking the prerogative of the Chair, heard item I.4.2024-414 before other general business items.



Motion to adopt the seconding reading of the ordinance was approved.

  • Moved ByMayor Pro-Tem Johnson
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Holston
    Ayes (7)Mayor Vaughan, Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, Councilmember Abuzuaiter, Councilmember Hightower, Councilmember Hoffmann, Councilmember Holston, and Councilmember Thurm
    Recuse (1)Councilmember Matheny
    Absent (1)Councilmember Wells
    Carried (7 to 0)


    Section 1. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-538, the hereinafter-described territory is hereby annexed to City of Greensboro’s Downtown Business Improvement District, a municipal service district:

    Black Rhino Capital Group, LLC – 313 W. Fisher Ave – Parcel #675

    GSO 2 Realty Group, LLC – 423 N. Edgeworth St – Parcel #1733

    North Eugene Partners II, LLC – 600 N. Eugene St – Parcel #690

    City of Greensboro – 706 W. Friendly Ave – Parcel #3925

    City of Greensboro – 200 E. Gate City Blvd – Parcel #1156

    Section 2. The owners of the above referenced parcels agree to pay to the City of Greensboro a business improvement district tax effective in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Following annexation, the properties annexed shall receive the same status regarding charges and rates as any other property located inside the Downtown Business Improvement District within the corporate limits of the City of Greensboro.

    Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective upon adoption

    (Signed) Yvonne Johnson

Motion to adopt the ordinance was approved.

  • Moved ByCouncilmember Holston
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Hightower
    Ayes (8)Mayor Vaughan, Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, Councilmember Abuzuaiter, Councilmember Hightower, Councilmember Hoffmann, Councilmember Holston, Councilmember Matheny, and Councilmember Thurm
    Absent (1)Councilmember Wells
    Carried (8 to 0)


    Section 1

    That the appropriation for the FY 23-24 War Memorial Coliseum Complex Fund be increased as follows:

    Account                   Description                                                        Amount

    521-75-Various        Various Accounts                                               $8,050,000

    And, that this increased be financed by increasing the following revenues:

    Account                   Description                                                       Amount

    521-75-Various        Various Accounts                                              $8,050,000

    And, that this ordinance should become effective upon adoption.

    (Signed) Hugh Holston

Motion to adopt the ordinance was approved.

  • Moved ByCouncilmember Hightower
    Seconded ByMayor Pro-Tem Johnson
    Ayes (8)Mayor Vaughan, Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson, Councilmember Hightower, Councilmember Abuzuaiter, Councilmember Hoffmann, Councilmember Holston, Councilmember Matheny, and Councilmember Thurm
    Absent (1)Councilmember Wells
    Carried (8 to 0)



    Section 1

    That the FY 2023-2024 Hotel Motel Occupancy Tax Fund 206 Budget of the City of Greensboro is hereby amended as follows:

    That the appropriations be increased as follows:

    Account                          Description                                                Amount

    206-10-1011001.6521    Transfer to Coliseum Fund                        $4,500,000

    Total                                                                                                  $4,500,000

    And, that the following revenue finance these appropriations:

    Account                         Description                                            Amount

    206-NC-NC.8900          Appropriated Fund Balance                        $4,500,000

    Total                                                                                                  $4,500,000

    Section 2

    That the FY 2023-2024 Coliseum Fund 521 Budget of the City of Greensboro is hereby amended as follows:

    That the appropriations be increased as follows:

    Account                                    Description                                            Amount

    521-75-7510001.5613             Maintenance & Repair- Buildings          $3,085,000

    521-75-7510001.4110             Salaries                                                  $1,221,745

    521-75-7510001.4510             Fringe Benefits - FICA                                $71,505

    521-75-7510001.4520            Fringe Benefits – Pension                          $121,750

                                                         Total                                                   $4,500,000

    And, that the following revenue finance these appropriations:

    Account                           Description                                                     Amount

    521-NC-NC.9206            Transfer from Hotel Motel Occ.Tax Fund       $4,500,000

                                                         Total                                                   $4,500,000

    Section 3

    That the Tanger Performing Arts Construction Fund 527 Budget of the City of Greensboro is hereby amended as follows:

    That the appropriations be increased as follows:

    Account                                    Description                                                  Amount

    527-75-7501001.6523            Transfer to Tanger Capital Improve. Fund    $47,490

                                                         Total                                                         $47,490

    And, that the following revenue finance these appropriations:

    Account                                    Description                                                 Amount

    527-NC-NC.8900       Appropriated Fund Balance                                      $47,490

                                                         Total                                                         $47,490

    Section 4

    That the Tanger Performing Arts Capital Improvement Fund 523 Budget of the City of Greensboro is hereby amended as follows:

    That the appropriations be increased as follows:

    Account                                    Description                                                 Amount

    523-75-7521001.6013              Buildings                                                    $47,490

                                                         Total                                                        $47,490

    And, that the following revenue finance these appropriations:

    Account                                    Description                                                Amount

    523-NC-NC.9527       Transfer from Tanger Performing Arts Fund            $47,490

                                                          Total                                                     $47,490              Section 5

    And, that this ordinance should become effective upon adoption.

    (Signed) Sharon Hightower

Taking the prerogative of the Chair, Mayor Vaughan took Item I.4/2024-414 at the beginning of the General Business Agenda.

Kay Brandon spoke to the Solid Waste Commission formation and procedures; referenced accomplishments of the commission; voiced concerns with dissolving the Solid Waste Commission; and requested the commission not be combined with Community Sustainability Council.

James Huey spoke to Bingham park contamination; to solid waste management; to the need of the commission; to alternate options; and to increased transparency. 

Councilmember Abuzuaiter explained her position as the Solid Waste Commission liaison along with Councilmember Wells; highlighted meetings attended; voiced concern regarding low attendance; with the lack of quorums; stated Bingham Park had no connection with the commission; explained the lack of the ability to conduct business due quorum issues; and highlighted the reappointments of appointees to Community Sustainability Council.  

Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson voiced concern with the disbandment of the commission; and stated she would have preferred to vote on the item later.

Discussion took place regarding misunderstandings of connecting Bingham Park; the White Street landfill; and liaison difficulties. 

Discussion continued regarding closing of the landfill, items being transported to the landfill; resident concerns; soil analysis; the disbandment of a commission; and public miscommunication.

Motion to adopt the resolution was approved.

  • Moved ByCouncilmember Abuzuaiter
    Seconded ByCouncilmember Hightower
    Ayes (7)Mayor Vaughan, Councilmember Abuzuaiter, Councilmember Hightower, Councilmember Hoffmann, Councilmember Holston, Councilmember Matheny, and Councilmember Thurm
    Noes (1)Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson
    Absent (1)Councilmember Wells
    Carried (7 to 1)


    WHEREAS, the Greensboro Solid Waste Management Commission was formed to review the City’s current and long-term solid waste management and recycling practices;

    WHEREAS, the Commission acted as a citizen-driven board to help identify and research long-term sustainable solid waste and recycling management solutions;

    WHEREAS, the Commission is comprised of nine Greensboro residents appointed by City Council for a term of five years;

    WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City to dissolve the Solid Waste Management Commission for the purposes of the commission to be merged with the Community Sustainability Council; and


    That the Greensboro Solid Waste Management Commission be dissolved effective upon adoption of this Resolution. 

    (Signed) Marikay Abuzuaiter

Moved by Councilmember Thurm, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson to reappoint Catherine Magid to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The motion carried by voice vote.

Moved by Councilmember Thurm, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson to reappoint Franklin Scott to the Minimum Housing Commission.  The motion carried by voice vote.

Moved by Councilmember Holston, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson to reappoint Cory Randolph to the Board of Adjustment.  The motion carried by voice vote.

Council discussed upcoming and recent events attended.

Interim City Manager Wilson highlighted the economic development item adopted.

There were no items for discussion by the City Attorney.



Moved by Councilmember Holston, seconded by Councilmember Matheny, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by voice vote.

The City Council Adjourned at 8:48 P.M.


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Nancy Vaughan, Mayor                                         Angela R. Lord, City Clerk