City of Greensboro
Meeting Agenda
Planning and Zoning Commission

Katie Dorsett Council Chamber
300 West Washington Street, Greensboro, NC 27401


If you would like to address the Planning and Zoning Commission and provide evidence/testimony during the meeting regarding an item on this agenda, please email Planning staff no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2025:

Interpreter services are available at no cost in accordance with Title VI.   

Servicios de intérpretes están disponibles sin costo de acuerdo a la ley del Titulo VI.

Any individual with a disability who needs an interpreter or other auxiliary aids, please contact Olivia Byrd at 336-373-2986. To request services needed, please make the request 3-5 days prior to the meeting.  For additional information or assistance, please contact Gary Canapinno, ADA Coordinator at 336-373-2723.

The next regular meeting of the Greensboro Planning and Zoning Commission will be held on 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 10, 2025. Please also note that the order of the agenda may be altered at the Planning and Zoning Commission’s discretion based on the level of interest in each case. The tentative agenda is as follows:











414 West Vandalia Road and 2940 Randleman Road (north of West Vandalia Road and west of Randleman Road) – A rezoning request from R-3 (Residential Single-family – 3) to CD-RM-18 (Conditional District - Residential Multi-family – 18) with the following conditions:

  1. Uses shall be limited to a maximum of 72 dwelling units.
  2. Maximum building height shall not exceed 50 feet.
  3. Any new principal residential building must be set back at least 30 feet from any property line abutting single family residential zoning.
  • For the properties identified as 414 West Vandalia Road and 2940 Randleman Road, generally described as north of West Vandalia Road and west of Randleman Road (4.76 acres)
  • Patrick Theismann on behalf of Raul Robles of Robles Transport, LLC





An annexation request for 4410 Burlington Road, 4428 Burlington Road, and a portion of Burlington Road right-of-way generally described as south of Burlington Road and east of Willowlake Road.

  • For the properties identified as 4410 and 4428 Burlington Road, generally described as south of Burlington Road and east of Willowlake Road (9 acres)
  • Miguel Alberto Guerra and the City of Greensboro



4410 Burlington Road (south of Burlington Road and east of Willowlake Road) – An annexation and original zoning request from County RS-30 (Residential Single-family) and HB (Highway Business) to City CD-LI (Conditional District - Light Industrial) with the following condition:

  1. Building height shall not exceed 50 (fifty) feet
  • For the properties identified as 4410 Burlington Road, generally described as south of Burlington Road and east of Willowlake Road (3.8 acres)
  • Miguel Alberto Guerra



4428 Burlington Road and a portion of Burlington Road right-of-way (west of Interstate 840 and south of Burlington Road) – An original zoning request from County RS-30 (Residential Single-family) and SC (Shopping Center) to City LI (Light Industrial).

  • For the property identified as 4428 Burlington Road and a portion of Burlington Road right-of-way, generally described as west of Interstate 840 and south of Burlington Road (5.2 acres)
  • City of Greensboro



3718 Randleman Road (west of Randleman Road and north of Foxridge Road) – An annexation and original zoning request from County RS-40 (Residential Single-family) to City R-3 (Residential Single-family – 3).

  • For the property identified as 3718 Randleman Road, generally described as west of Randleman Road and north of Foxridge Road (1.13 acre)
  • Silvestre Tienda Dominguez and Claudia Garcia Hernandez



704 Brigham Road (east of Brigham Road and north of Eric Road) – A rezoning request from CD-LI (Conditional District - Light Industrial) to CD-RM-18 (Conditional District - Residential Multi-family – 18) with the following condition:

  1. All uses permitted in RM-18 except Manufactured Homes (Class AA) and Cemeteries.
  • For the property identified as 704 Brigham Road, generally described as east of Brigham Road and north of Eric Road (5.68 acres)
  • Bradford J. Deaton of Crosspointe Communities, LLC on behalf of Sarah A. Eaton



320 and 404-408 East Washington Street, a portion of Sergeant Street, and a portion of the Railroad right-of-way (south of East Washington Street and west of South Murrow Boulevard) – A rezoning request from LI (Light Industrial) to CB (Central Business).

  • For the properties identified 320 and 404-408 East Washington Street, a portion of Sergeant Street, and a portion of the Railroad right-of-way, generally described as south of East Washington Street and west of South Murrow Boulevard (4.07 acres)
  • Phillip Marsh for Gym Space LLC and the City of Greensboro



2507 and 2511 Freeman Mill Road and 1402 Near Minor Street (east of Freeman Mill Road and north of Coliseum Boulevard) – A rezoning request from R-5 (Residential Single-family – 5), RM-18 (Residential Multi-family – 18), and CD-C-M (Conditional District - Commercial – Medium) to CD-LI (Conditional District - Light Industrial) with the following conditions:

  1. Maximum building height shall not exceed 35 feet.
  2. Maximum height for Free-standing signage shall not exceed 15 feet.
  • For the properties identified as 2507 and 2511 Freeman Mill Road and 1402 Near Minor Street, generally described as east of Freeman Mill Road and north of Coliseum Boulevard (1.001 acres)
  • John Milton, III





Zoning, Planning and Development Text Amendment: Amending section 30-7-7.2 PUD, Planned Unit Development.


No Item Selected