City of GreensboroMeeting Agenda City CouncilTuesday, April 04, 2023 at 4:30 P.m. - 9:30 P.m.Katie Dorsett Council Chamber300 West Washington Street, Greensboro, NC 27401The City Council Chamber is open to the public; however, residents are encouraged to continue to participate in the meeting virtually. To submit a comment or to request to speak to agenda items, please complete the City Council Virtual Comments Form ( Please confirm if you wish to appear via zoom or in-person. Residents requesting to participate via zoom must submit the request by 5:00 P.M. the day prior to the Council meeting and will receive an email invitation to register with instructions on how to participate, including a unique password that cannot be used by other individuals. Zoom participants will be removed from the call following the conclusion of their item and are invited to observe the remainder of the meeting on the Greensboro Television Network (GTN). Residents may also register in-person on the night of the meeting using an on-site Qminder kiosk. On-Site speaker requests must be entered by 6 p.m. A Qcode is available for scanning onto personal cell phone devices should residents prefer. All comments received are subject to the public records law and will be posted on the City of Greensboro website. The first regular meeting of the month is for Council consideration of public forum comments, ceremonial/presentational, consent, public hearing, and business items as needed. The second regular meeting of the month is for Council consideration of consent, public hearing, and business items. The zoning application hearing process allows proponents and opponents a total of fifteen (15) minutes notwithstanding the number of persons desiring to be heard. Proponents shall be heard first followed by comments from opponents. Each side may speak a total of five (5) minutes rebuttal. Greensboro City Council meetings are available via, a live stream will be on the city's YouTube page, at, the Greensboro Television Network (GTN) live on Spectrum channel 13 with a digital cable box, Lumos channel 31, AT&T U-verse channel 99. GTN is also available on the Roku streaming platform by going to “add channels” and searching for Greensboro Television Network. Lastly, GTN can be streamed live on the City’s website. Any individual with a disability who needs additional information or assistance, please contact Gary Canapinno, ADA Coordinator, 336-373-2723 or [email protected]. The next regular meeting of City Council will be Monday, April 17, 2023.A.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: Recess to Closed SessionB.MOMENT OF SILENCE Public Comments: C.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Comments: D.COUNCIL PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCT OF THE MEETING Public Comments: E.CEREMONIAL AND/OR PRESENTATION ITEMS Public Comments: E.12023 – 137 Resolution Recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month and Resilient and Thriving Communities Week Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-137 Resolution Recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month and Resilient and Thriving Communities Week.pdf2.2023-137 Res Child Abuse Prev Month.pdfE.22023-235 City Manager Report Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-235 City Manager Report.pdfE.32023-247 Lights On Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-247 Lights On .pdf2.Lights on Greensboro Flyer FINAL.pdfF.PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Speakers from the floor will be allowed 3 minutes to address Council.G.CONSENT AGENDA (One Vote) Public Comments: G.12023-212 Resolution Authorizing Municipal Agreement with NC Department of Transportation for Schedule A Reimbursement Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-212 Res Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule A Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-212 RES Schedule A Municipal Agreement.pdfG.22023-214 Resolution Authorizing Municipal Agreement with NC Department of Transportation for Schedule B Reimbursement Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-214 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule B Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-214 RES Schedule B Municipal Agreement.pdfG.32023-215 Resolution Authorizing Municipal Agreement with NC Department of Transportation for Schedule C Reimbursement Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-215 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule C Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-215 RES Schedule C Municipal Agreement.pdfG.42023-216 Resolution Authorizing Municipal Agreement with NC Department of Transportation for Schedule D Reimbursement Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-216 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule D Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-216 RES Schedule D Municipal Agreement.pdfG.52023 -218 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer 3/14/23 through 3/27/23 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-218 Budget Adjustment Approved by Budget Officer March 14, 2023 - March 27, 2023.pdf2.2023-218 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer 03-14-2023 to 03-27-2023.pdfG.62023 – 219 Budget Adjustments Requiring Council Approval 3/14/23 through 3/27/23 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-219 Budget Adjustment Requiring Council Approval March 14, 2023 to March 27, 2023 .pdf2.2023-219 Budget Adjustments Requiring Council Approval 03-14-2023 to 03-27-2023.pdfH.PUBLIC HEARING Public Comments: There are no Public Hearing items for this agenda.I.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENDA Public Comments: I.12023 -232 Ordinance in the Amount of $2,969,525 to Purchase Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Firefighters from Rhinehart Fire Services, Inc. Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-232 Ordinance in the Amount of $2,969,525 for Self Contained Breathing Apparatus SCBA for Fire Dept.pdf2.2023-232 ORD Amending FY 2023 General Capital Improvements Fund Budget for SCBA Equipment.pdfI.22023 – 221 Resolution to Authorize Contract in the Amount of $500,000 with the Greensboro Housing Coalition - 2023-221 Attachments | Public Comments1.2023-221 Authorize Contract With Greensboro Housing Coalition for $500,000 in City-ARP Enabled Funds.pdf2.GHC Dept of Secretary.pdf3.FY23-24 Resolution to Contract with GHC City-ARP.pdfJ.MATTERS TO BE DISCUSSED BY THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL (If time permits) Public Comments: K.MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE CITY MANAGER (If time permits) Public Comments: L.MATTERS TO BE PRESENTED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY (If time permits) Public Comments: M.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.2023-212 Res Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule A Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-212 RES Schedule A Municipal Agreement.pdf1.2023-137 Resolution Recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month and Resilient and Thriving Communities Week.pdf2.2023-137 Res Child Abuse Prev Month.pdf1.2023-235 City Manager Report.pdf1.2023-215 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule C Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-215 RES Schedule C Municipal Agreement.pdf1.2023-214 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule B Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-214 RES Schedule B Municipal Agreement.pdf1.2023-216 Resolution Authorizing Agreement with NCDOT for Schedule D Reimbursement.pdf2.2023-216 RES Schedule D Municipal Agreement.pdf1.2023-218 Budget Adjustment Approved by Budget Officer March 14, 2023 - March 27, 2023.pdf2.2023-218 Budget Adjustments Approved by Budget Officer 03-14-2023 to 03-27-2023.pdf1.2023-219 Budget Adjustment Requiring Council Approval March 14, 2023 to March 27, 2023 .pdf2.2023-219 Budget Adjustments Requiring Council Approval 03-14-2023 to 03-27-2023.pdf1.2023-232 Ordinance in the Amount of $2,969,525 for Self Contained Breathing Apparatus SCBA for Fire Dept.pdf2.2023-232 ORD Amending FY 2023 General Capital Improvements Fund Budget for SCBA Equipment.pdf1.2023-247 Lights On .pdf2.Lights on Greensboro Flyer FINAL.pdf1.2023-221 Authorize Contract With Greensboro Housing Coalition for $500,000 in City-ARP Enabled Funds.pdf2.GHC Dept of Secretary.pdf3.FY23-24 Resolution to Contract with GHC City-ARP.pdfThis item has no public comment