Sec. 18-50. Unlawful noise producing activities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article the following acts and activities are declared to be unreasonably loud and disturbing in violation of section 18-48, but this enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive.
(a) Blowing horns. Sounding any horn, whistle or signal device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus or other vehicle or railroad train, except as a danger signal or as required by law, creating any unreasonably loud or disturbing sound or sounding such device for an unreasonable period of time.
(b) Radios, record players, etc. Playing any radio, television set, record player, or musical instrument as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of any person of normal sensibilities in any dwelling, motel, hotel, apartment, or any type of residence.
(c) Sound-producing equipment in vehicles. Playing any radio, tape recorder, cassette player, compact disc, or other similar device for reproducing sound located on, or in, any motor vehicle on a public street, highway, or within, the motor vehicular area of any public or private parking lot or park, or drive through, if the sound generated is audible at a distance of thirty (30) feet from sound producing equipment.
(d) Pets. Keeping any animal or bird, which, by causing frequent or long continued noise, disturbs the comfort and repose of any person in the vicinity.
(e) Use of vehicles. Using any automobile, motorcycle, or vehicle so out of repair, altered, maintained, or operated in such manner as to create unreasonably loud or disturbing noise including, but not limited to, engaging in jackrabbit starts, spinning tires, racing engines, or other such operation.
(f) Blowing whistles. Blowing any steam whistle attached to any stationary boiler except as a warning of danger.
(g) Compressed air devices. Using any mechanical device operated by compressed air unless the noise created thereby is effectively muffled and reduced.
(h) Building operations. Erection, demolition, alteration, or repair of any building (including excavation and grading), in a residential district between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of any day or in any district other than a residential district between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of any day.
(i) Noises near schools, etc. Creating noise on any street, or public way, or near any school, institution of learning, library, or sanitarium, or court while the same is in session, or adjacent to any hospital, rest home, nursing home, or any real property owned by a religious institution during services, or which otherwise interferes with the working of such institution.
(j) Bells or gongs. Sounding any bell or gong which disturbs the quiet or repose of persons in the vicinity.
(k) Blowers, engines. Operation of any noise-creating blower, power fan, steam engine, or any internal combustion engine, the operation of which causes noise due to the explosion or expansion of operating gases or fluids, unless the noise emitted there from is sufficiently muffled and the engine is equipped with a muffler device in good working condition and designed to manufacturer's specifications and sufficient to deaden such noise, which causes annoyance to the public or disturbs the rest and quiet of persons on adjacent premises or within the vicinity.
(l) Appliances and other mechanical devices. The operation of any noise-producing appliance or other mechanical device which, due to operational deficiencies, malfunction or other type of disrepair, causes noises which unreasonably annoy the public or disturb the rest and quiet of persons on adjacent premises or within the vicinity.
(m) Vehicular loudspeakers or amplifiers for commercial purposes. The use of mechanical loudspeakers or amplifiers on, or in, automobiles, trucks, airplanes or other vehicles for advertising or other commercial purposes.
(n) Street vendors. Street vendors cannot use sound or permit the sounding of any device which produces noise or operate any loudspeaker, public address system, radio, sound amplifier or similar device to attract the attention of the public.
(o) The operation on public property or on public vehicular areas of any sound amplifier which is part of, or connected to, any radio, stereo receiver, compact disc player, cassette tape player, or other similar device when operated in such a manner as to be plainly audible at a distance of thirty (30) feet from the building, structure, or vehicle in which it is located, except when such operation is a part of a protest or rally permitted under Chapter 26, Article IX.
(p) The operation on public property of any sound amplifier which is part of, or connected to, any microphone, radio, stereo receiver, compact disc player, cassette tape player, or other similar device when operated in such a manner as to be plainly audible at a distance of thirty (30) feet from the amplifier, except when such operation is a part of a protest or rally permitted under Chapter 26, Article IX.
(Signed) Tammi Thurm