City of Greensboro Meeting Minutes - Final

City Council Special

Bennett College
521 Gorrell Street, Greensboro 27406
  • Mayor Nancy Vaughan, 
  • Mayor Pro-Tem Yvonne Johnson, 
  • Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter, 
  • Councilmember Sharon Hightower, 
  • Councilmember Nancy Hoffmann, 
  • Councilmember Hugh Holston, 
  • Councilmember Zack Matheny, 
  • Councilmember Tammi Thurm, 
  • and and Councilmember Goldie Wells 
Also Present:
  • City Manager Taiwo Jaiyeoba, 
  • Deputy City Manager Chris Wilson, 
  • City Attorney Chuck Watts, 
  • and and City Clerk Angela Lord 



8:45 A.M. - 9 A.M.



These City Council minutes are a general account of the February 16, 2024, Special City Council Strategy Session meeting.  For full details of discussions, the meeting video can be located on the City of Greensboro website at

This City Council Special meeting of the City of Greensboro was called to order at 9:00 A.M. on the above date at Bennett College.

Mayor Vaughan confirmed all Councilmembers were in attendance.

Southeastern Institute of Research Inc. (SIR) representative, Managing Partner, Grant Neely made a PowerPoint Presentation (PPP), provided an overview of day one; outlined the upcoming agenda; and recognized the Mayoral panel to include Mayor Nancy Vaughan, Greensboro, Mayor Mary- Ann Baldwin (Raleigh), and Mayor Cyril Jefferson (High Point).



Mayor Vaughan welcomed Mayor's Baldwin and Jefferson; and referenced previous conversations. 

Mayor Baldwin and Mayor Jefferson provided individual servanthood; and municipality priorities. 

Discussion took place regarding Historical Black University (HBU) Bennett College; municipal commonalities; economic development and workforce opportunities; the need for affordable housing and accessible transportation collaborations; and a potential county-wide transportation task force.

Mayor Vaughan highlighted workforce development topics from day one; spoke to the history collaboration challenges; to building relationships; and to a regional approach.

Discussion continued regarding a GoTriad Regional Transportation Alliance; the importance of communication; Covid 19 challenges and impacts; affordable and obtainable housing; the Guilford County Homeless Task Force efforts; rental rate concerns; development investments; the national housing issues; and the need for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) focus. 

Mayor Baldwin explained an ADU designing competition; additional incentives; and to housing variations. 

Discussion continued regarding housing bonds and gap funding; duplex, triplex, and quadplex designs; community engagement; home repair funding; rezoning concerns; and increased density.

Mayor Vaughan spoke to a Prepared Food Tax (PFT); and inquired as to impacts in Raleigh.

Mayor Baldwin explained the success of a PFT; the involvement with the General Assembly (GA); to dedication for the program; outlined fund allocations; and provided data on fund revenues.  

Discussions with City Council ensued regarding ADU clarification; community opposition; bond referendums; stakeholder buy in; economic development opportunities; diversity navigation and community investments; the use of a PFT to release general funds for other community needs; purposeful revenue allocations; underserved communities; partnerships; and tourism drivers.

Councilmember Matheny entered the meeting at 10:05 A.M.

Discussion continued regarding Black History Month; housing crisis'; permitting processes; increased populations in North Carolina; historic neighborhood oppositions; and skyrocketing entertainment industries.

Mayor Vaughan requested staff to research duplex, triplex, and quadplex housing.

A break was announced at 10:17 A.M.  Council reconvened at 10:28 A.M. with all members in attendance.





Mr. Neely spoke to futuristic needs; to an Easiest Place to do Business priority; and recognized community leaders in attendance.

Economic Development and Business Support Manager, Marshall Yandle referenced conversations with Greensboro Chamber of Commerce; reviewed efforts at the Greensboro-Randolph MegaSite; spoke to grant applications; to water and sewer needs; and introduced Dawn Warrick with Freese & Nichols. 

Ms. Warrick made a PPP; spoke to economic development growth; highlighted Highway 421 Corridor upgrades; a land use study; provided a project purpose and overview; highlighted the study area; outlined existing plans and policies; spoke to economic development strategies; to strengths and opportunities; to long term goals; provided an existing land use overview; highlighted traffic and transportation trends; a regulatory and policy framework; site selection processes and criteria; reviewed the selected catalyst sites; planning scenarios; highlighted the future land use; referenced leveraged economic development opportunities; spoke to a circulation plan; highlighted recommended land use, transportation and corridor enhancement strategies; provided an implementation proposal; spoke to prime development sites; and to market opportunities. 

Discussion took place regarding property ownership; Greensboro utility controls; Guilford County proposed land uses; a regional impact; water and sewer availability; recommended annexation policies; an evolving process; City plans as a Toyota supplier; and housing and services options.

Councilmember Matheny requested staff to research community outreach for the 421 Corridor plan; and potential annexation potentials.

Discussion continued regarding developer engagement; setting expectations; an upcoming Guilford County retreat; and transparency.

Water Resources Director Mike Borchers recognized Raftelis Darren Thomas with Rafteils.

Mr. Thomas made a PPP; spoke to Water and Wastewater Regionalization Initiatives; to impacts for the future; provided a utility history; highlighted emerging leadership and water partnerships; present successes; a long term capacity study; spoke to increased regional collaboration; to State participation; to funding and long-term solutions; highlighted study goals; State appropriations; a North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality study; and spoke to sustained leadership. 

Discussion took place regarding regional partners; and Lake Jordon impacts.

Councilmember Hightower requested staff to provide PPP's. 

Lunch break was announced at 11:37 A.M.

Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson left the meeting at 11:48 A.M.

Council reconvened at 12:00 P.M. with all members present except Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson.

Mr. Borchers made a PPP; spoke to water and sewer capacity; highlighted availability and demand projections; capacity expansions; provided an overview of economic development areas; reviewed major capital projects; and outlined utility and regional plans.

Councilmember Matheny requested staff to expedite 421 Corridor sewer extensions. 

Discussions ensued regarding a regional prospective; and state of the art funding.

Mr. Borchers continued the PPP; spoke to proposed future growth allocations; to a transformational area; to a regional partnership; and to community engagement.

(A copy of the PowerPoint Presentations are filed in Exhibit Drawer G, No. 5, which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes.)



A working lunch break was included in the previous presentation.



North Carolina Toyota President Sean Suggs made a PPP; provided a work history; spoke to private-public partnerships; to the power of collaboration; shared case study data; highlighted a Dallas, Texas ride share program; shared videos; spoke to elimination of a "no" attitude; highlighted a Together in Motion program; spoke to a mobility test course; and explained the Japan Woven City project.

Discussion ensued regarding a "Why Not Us" thought process.

Mr. Suggs highlighted a Purpose Drive, People Centered, and Data Informed focus; spoke to residency retention; to autonomous vehicle deployments; highlighted collaboration and partnerships; outlined current hire to dates; and explained hiring successes.  

Discussion continued regarding engagement of the Forge; advanced transportation systems; infrastructure needs; transit ride timeframes; transit ride lengths; ride share area coverage; and East Greensboro economic boosters.

Mr. Neely moved the conversation to the next topic; and recognized Transit Director Reggie Mason.

Mr. Mason made a PPP; highlighted the GoBoro Transit Plan 2045; provided a status overview; spoke to regional partnerships; spoke to existing networks; to a ridership concept; highlighted cross town routes; reviewed a draft plan; spoke to connectivity; and to a proposed transit sales tax. 

Discussion took place regarding funding and investments; collaborations; van pool programs; the Trolley program; the need for a 2026 Transportation bond referendum; sales tax revenues; public-private partnerships; economic development advantages; and workforce connectivity.

Mr. Neely recognized Mayor Vaughan to review upcoming Legislative Agenda requests.

Mayor Vaughan provided an overview of the upcoming Legislative session; and spoke to justifiable requests. 

City Manager Jaiyeoba shared data for proposed funding requests; spoke to growth and development; to needed resources; and to city-wide needs.

Intergovernmental Relations Manager LaToya Caesar-Crawford highlighted a clerical correction for a Greensboro Police Real Time Intelligence Center.

Discussion ensued regarding an Airport Megasite extension; water and sewer funding; small group Delegation meetings; and selection of top priority projects.

Councilmember Matheny and Councilmember Thurm requested staff to increase the Legislative Agenda funding request for water/sewer extensions on the 421 Corridor; and to combine a public safety funding request.

City Manager Jaiyeoba highlighted an upcoming Delegation meeting on March 4, 2024; explained that Senator Phil Berger would be unavailable to attend the upcoming session; and spoke to Federal funding.

Discussion continued regarding 2023 allocated funding; water and sewer extension policies; upcoming staff updates; next steps for the Legislative Long Session; and additional investments.

(A copy of the PowerPoint Presentations ARE OR IS filed in Exhibit Drawer G, No. 5, which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes.)



Break was announced at 1:40 P.M.  Council reconvened at 2:00 P.M. with all members present except Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson.



Mr. Neely Delegation representatives Senator Gladys Robinson, Senator Michael Garrett, and Representative Jon Hardister; spoke to a desirable business state; to the importance of an A+ workforce ranking; and to shared benefits.

Senator Robinson, Senator Garrett, and Representative Hardister provided legislative goals, concerns and platforms.  

Discussion took place regarding workforce development; competitive compensation; retention concerns; economic development; trade schools; health care education; focused and purposeful legislation; Bingham Park and Downtown Greensboro funding allocations; the need for affordable housing; homelessness concerns; water and sewer infrastructure needs; Megasite investments; annexation law amendments; regional partnerships; state funding needs; transportation needs; stakeholder engagement; investment properties; a skilled workforce; the need for long term mental health assistance; Medicaid expansion challenges; creation of public-private partnerships; rental rates and eviction concerns; the need for a Housing Study Commission; and creation of a State Housing Department.

Discussion continued regarding tax credits; public safety needs; community needs; upcoming short and long Legislature sessions; and the March 4th City Council and Guilford County Delegation Joint Meeting.

Council voiced appreciation to the Delegation representatives.



Mr. Neely highlighted information covered during the strategy session; explained the Council survey; and requested Council to reflect on the sessions. 

Council discussion took place regarding a review of previous strategy sessions; goal setting; high level presentations; items in need of solutions; innovative ideas; commendation of panelist conversations; funding concerns; a sense of urgency to address needs; collaboration and unity; and poverty concerns.

Councilmember Thurm requested staff to include a County Commissioner panel at the 2025 Council Strategy session. 

Mayor Vaughan suggested a joint meeting could occur anytime; and highlighted a One Guilford concept.



Moved by Councilmember Matheny, seconded by Councilmember Abuzuaiter, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by voice vote.

The City Council Adjourned at 3:28 P.M.

___________________________          ____________________________

Nancy Vaughan, Mayor                           Angela Lord, City Clerk

No Item Selected