Water Resources Director, Mike Borchers made a PPP; outlined water, sewer and stormwater Fiscal Year (FY) 24-25 budget; highlighted increased projections; and spoke to peer city rate comparisons.
Discussion took place regarding community outreach.
Mr. Borchers continued the PPP; spoke to the recommended budget; to capital needs; to federal and state grants; to an emerging contaminant update; and to implementation.
Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc., Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, Bart Kreps continued the PPP; spoke to utility financial planning; to Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) financing; to operating expenses; highlighted existing debt and proposed debt service; outlined proposed and existing revenue; and spoke to financial metrics.
Finance Director, Marlene Drugga continued the PPP; spoke to credit agency factors; to system characteristics; to management and legal provisions; to water supply; highlighted the local economy and future outlook; and spoke to comparative financial data.
Mr. Borchers continued the PPP; spoke to system development fees; to stormwater enterprise and rates; to capital needs; to flood damage prevention; highlighted major stormwater projects; and spoke to stormwater federal and state grants received.
Mr. Kreps continued the PPP; spoke to a financial plan; to CIP financing; and to master plan studies.
Mayor Vaughan requested staff to provide water bill data based on the number of people in a household.
Councilmember Thurm requested staff to provide a water usage update.
Discussion ensued regarding community engagement and education.
Councilmember Hightower requested staff to provide a list of forecasted projects.
(A copy of the PowerPoint Presentation is filed in Exhibit Drawer G, No. 16, which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes.)