City of Greensboro Meeting Minutes - Final

City Council Special

Bennett College
521 Gorrell Street, Greensboro 27406
  • Mayor Nancy Vaughan, 
  • Mayor Pro-Tem Yvonne Johnson, 
  • Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter, 
  • Councilmember Sharon Hightower, 
  • Councilmember Nancy Hoffmann, 
  • Councilmember Hugh Holston, 
  • Councilmember Zack Matheny, 
  • Councilmember Tammi Thurm, 
  • and and Councilmember Goldie Wells 
Also Present:
  • City Manager Taiwo Jaiyeoba, 
  • Deputy City Manager Chris Wilson, 
  • City Attorney Chuck Watts, 
  • and and City Clerk Angela Lord 



8:45 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.



These City Council minutes are a general account of the February 15, 2024, Special City Council Strategy Session meeting.  For full details of discussions, the meeting video can be located on the City of Greensboro website at

This City Council Special meeting of the City of Greensboro was called to order at 9:00 A.M. on the above date at Bennett College.

Mayor Vaughan confirmed all Councilmembers were in attendance; spoke to last year strategy priorities; to free-flowing discussions; and to a future mini-retreat. 

City Manager Taiwo Jaiyeoba provided meeting logistics; and recognized Southeastern Institute of Research (SIR) consultants Managing Partner, Grant Neely and Managing Partner Rachel Yost.

Introductions were made around the room.  





Mr. Neely provided a history of the company, made a PowerPoint Presentation (PPP); outlined services; experience with cities and municipalities; provided an overview of the retreat; outlined the two-day agenda; explained allowable council action; community engagement; outlined ground rules; spoke to experience with National League of Cities, and to Bob O'Neill Six Rules of an Effective Council as outlined below:

* Setting policy

* Representing everyone 

* Engaging community 

* Being a fiduciary 

* Ensuring oversight

* Setting the strategic direction

Mr. Neely spoke to short falls; to pursuit of the wrong agenda; reviewed a focus on urgent and not urgent and important versus not important model; spoke to creating a strategic framework; to internal and external drivers; highlighted the importance of trust; and reviewed trends.

Ms. Yost continued the PPP; and highlighted a high-level review of the following: 

* Growing population 

* Aging population 

* Changing places 

* Growing Economy 

* Evolving talent development pipeline 

* Rise in economic equity 

* Increasing partnerships 

Ms. Yost spoke to elements of a winning cities.

(A copy of the PowerPoint Presentation is filed in Exhibit Drawer G, No. 5, which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes.)

Human Rights Director Dr. Love Jones continued the PPP; provided a recap of the strategic framework overview; outlined work completed; the City's purpose, vision and mission statements; highlighted expectations; explained the strategic priorities and values; highlighted equity, resiliency, prosperity, and innovation; outlined indicator markers; spoke to the need for attainable housing, a safe city, a most connected city, a hub of recreation and entertainment, and a skilled workforce; outlined alignment with departmental plans; highlighted data, legislation and resources; outlined the next steps; explained a draft presentation would be provided to council next week; outlined framework implementation timelines; and recognized framework task force member.

Mayor Vaughan requested staff to provide the Strategic Framework Discussion and City Dashboard links.

Discussion took place regarding trackable data; homelessness assistance; home ownerships; long term plans; equity and balance; people centered values; ongoing feedback; relationship building; a skilled workforce; quantifiable data; upcoming strategy session guests; and small group meetings with Mayor Vaughan, City Manager Jaiyeoba, and local Chief Executive Officers (CEO) for a strong community outreach.

Councilmember Thurm requested staff to schedule an Easiest Place to do Business work session; and for CEO meeting information to be shared.

Discussion continued regarding tracking businesses; permitting concerns; a policy examination; and Historically Black Universities (HBU's).

(A copy of the PowerPoint Presentation is filed in Exhibit Drawer G, No. 5, which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes.)



Bennett College President Suzanne Walsh offered a welcome and greetings.



Break was announced at 10:30 A.M. - 10:45 A.M.

Council reconvened with all members present.



Mr. Neely spoke to housing; to the housing sector; recognized Housing and Neighborhood Development Director Michelle Kennedy.

Ms. Kennedy made a PPP; spoke to grant opportunities; highlighted inter-departmental partnerships; Pathways to removing obstacles to Housing, zoning and development barriers; reinvestment areas; permanent supportive housing; and community partnerships.  

Mayor Vaughan requested staff to provide Interfaith Initiative participants. 

Ms. Kennedy outlined faith-based community gatherings; highlighted points of consideration; support of private market development; and expansion of low-income homeownership and homebuyer assistance programs.  

Discussion ensued regarding average assistance allocations and incomes; poverty rates; a market analysis; receivership programs; Greensboro trend setting; and opportunities to learn. 

Councilmember Holston requested staff research income cap increased thresholds.

(A copy of the PowerPoint Presentation is filed in Exhibit Drawer G, No. 5, which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes.)

Mr. Neely recognized the Panel for Priority: Abundance of Attainable Housing; Sofia Crisp, Housing Consultants Group; Julie Porter, DreamKey Partners, Charlotte; Gene Brown, Community Housing Solutions, Greensboro; and Patricia Evans, Atlanta Housing.

Panelists provided an overview of work history.

Discussion took place regarding down-payment assistance programs; the need for inventory; workforce changes; investor purchases; builder partnerships; additional for-profit financial assistance; sprinkled quality housing; homebuyer challenges; competitive buying; Air B & B's; foreclosure rehab's; Covid 19 impacts; crime statistics; contractor staffing and compliance concerns; and financing gaps.

Ms. Porter highlighted a flex fund account; and explained bond funding in Charlotte. 

Discussion continued regarding non-owner-occupied housing; a leveraged affordability for buyers; Home Owner Association guidelines; and rising rent rates. 

Mayor Vaughan requested staff to research a subsidized Affordable Housing Arm, a for-profit partnership; and a City/County partnership to maintain low rental rates.

Councilmember's Thurm and Hightower requested staff to provide regulatory cost for building homes, to research ordinances to lower the gap for hookup fees, to quantify hookup timelines, and to research a policy to forgo liens.  

Discussion ensued regarding measurement guidelines; land and deed transfers; teacher homeownership partners; stakeholder engagement; alignment with mission and private lenders and builders; and ordinance restrictions.

Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson left the meeting at 12:26 P.M. 

Discussion took place regarding access ramps; permit fees; the need for community education; user friendly options; stackable programs; forgivable loans; proactive planning for Toyota hires; gentrification and revitalization; and future housing studies.  

Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson returned to the meeting at 12:46 P.M.



Lunch break was announced at 12:45 P.M. 

Council reconvened at 1:30 P.M. with all members present.



City Manager Jaiyeoba spoke to community safety; and to exploration of solutions. 



Ms. Yost recognized panelist; John Thompson, Greensboro Police Chief; Latisha McNeil, Office of the Community Safety; Chief District Court Judge Teresa Vincent, Guilford County.

Panelist shared individual areas of expertise; and explained personal thoughts to what it means to have the safest city.

Mayor Vaughan left the meeting at 1:52 P.M. and returned to the meeting at 1:57 P.M.

Discussion ensued regarding a collaborative effort to build a safer community; internal and external collaborations; avoiding silos; partnerships during challenges; effective changes; the need for recruitment retention; a focus on violent crime; and the need for community engagement; increased compensation; Police Academy classes; support for the Office of Community Safety; an electronic monitoring program; domestic violence tools; abuser and victim trackers; State funding; and a Wake County Legal Support Center model.

Councilmember Matheny requested staff to research a Domestic Violence Electonic Monitoring program. 

Discussion continued regarding program effectiveness and investment; diversion importance; staff poaching; mental health concerns; the need for intensive treatment options; gun law enforcement; Violent Crime Reduction Teams and the Crime Gun Intelligence Unit; student exposure to violence; educational school assemblies; the Peace on Purpose pledge; technology upgrade impacts; take home vehicles; and Violence Interrupters training. 



Break was announced at 2:30 P.M.

Council reconvened at 2:45 P.M. with all members present except Mayor Pro-Tem Johnson.





Mr. Neely highlighted the next session; and recognized panelist on Priority for Workforce Development; Timothy Staton, Human Resources at Toyota; Dr. Holly Pore, Guilford County Schools; Dr. Manuel Dudley, Guilford Technical Community College; Dr. Danielle Harrison, GuilfordWorks.

Panelist spoke to individual work experiences.

Panelist engaged in discussion regarding expected hires for the Toyota Battery manufacturing plant; a strengthened workforce; collaboration and support; student engagement; untapped talent pools; building a professional landscape; training opportunities; transportation concerns; stackable credentials; local educational options; wrap-around services; the need for non-traditional opportunities; partnerships and cohorts; scholarships; teacher training opportunities and challenges; needed Legislative for teacher salaries; new employee measurable exercises; leadership development; and second career and second chance opportunities.



City Manager concluded the session with an outline of the agenda on Friday.

Moved by Councilmember Holston, seconded by Councilmember Abuzuaiter, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by voice vote.

The City Council Adjourned at 3:47 P.M.


___________________________                        ____________________________

Nancy Vaughan, Mayor                                          Angela Lord, City Clerk

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